Last seen: February 22, 2025 7:46 pm
If KMart closes obviously that would be a hit to the local economy. Yes it would be nice if a Target or Walmart moved in but that would be at least 2-...
I stayed at the Carambola several years ago and I was quite impressed with the property (the fact that I got an $89 a night rate was also great). Cong...
I disagree with many of SydSol comments. I have lived in Enfield Green a number of years and I find it to be a very nice place to live. Most of the ho...
Fsted has the best sunsets - nothing beats a stroll down Strand street or the Pier at sunset. As far as night life, not much going on there are a few ...
Today was a beautiful day in NJ, it was in the 70's and the shopping bargains are GREAT
Does the 8% pay cut also apply to the Govenor and all the members of the executive branch whose salaries are a percentage of the Gov's salary?
I saw the show last night, I like the couple and I am glad you didn't pay anywhere near the asking price. I do have one question, considering you pad ...
Will it be on tonight?
So. California and Philly are allot different than St.Croix. Different cultures and different attitudes. There are many great things that can be said ...
You bought the house 2 years ago and they just filmed it 3 months ago, wow that's strange. I wonder if that is their normal practice. Now I am kind of...
The one good thing about MH is the size of the units, in many cases twice the size of some East End condo units
I am confused, the couple with the 2 sons who purchased at GW, that episode is old, at least 6 months. Is there a new St. C episode. I am tired of wat...
I too have been looking at Mill Harbor, I had the opportunity to buy a 3 bedroom for under100k but the condo fees scared me off. I didn't like the kit...
Tax sale certificates only done by the states but also by county and city municipalities. Not all tax liens are for 2 years. Most liens are paid by th...
St. John - Beautiful but expensive St. Croix - more affordable (but still expensive), poor economy, Anquilla landfill and Hovensa - not the most ...
Lizard, With all due respect you are incorrect in regards to the reasons people buy certificates especially these days when the banks and the fed...
Lizard, Investing in tax certificates is not a very risky business, it happens every day in the states. I have both owned and been subject to owi...
Wow, I guess I've been lucky the worse thing I've ever gotten was dirty looks from a cop when I took his parking space in fromt of a hotel, that was 1...
How is it that the car license plate was obtained, the police stop the driver and just because the driver said he wasn't there he was let go. Wouldn't...
They say the best things in life are free I love walking down strand st F'sted during sunset or being at the pier during sunset. It seems the who...