Last seen: February 20, 2025 5:18 pm
In today's paper there is a story about a 49 year old man pleading guilty to using the internet to try to lure young girls. The VI is not immune from ...
I guess street crime gets of the attention (but nothing ever seems to be done) because lets face it gorry pictures and words sells newspapers (and get...
I hope it was just a lie about taking his kids to the beach. I hate to think kids were in the car with drugs and a gun. 26 years old with 3 Florida a...
@rewired Very Interesting and congrats on your retirement Regarding the arrests of the Senators' sons, have the Senators made any comments reg...
I know its extremely important to reach out and help guide children as early as possible but my question is how do we stop crime for people in their 3...
@Scubadoo Nice - A vehicle version of stop and frisk. Time to be proactive instead of reactive
Are there any public vocational schools in the VI. To be honest I never thought about it but I can see this being a need.
If BP pulls out the deal this would be devasting to the island. Unemployment will rise, more than likely crime will go up and real estate values will ...
I think most people would agree that a stable home life, better education system a more vibrant economy that would give both young and not so young pe...
@jaldeborgh I used to live in San Francisco in the late 80s, in the North Beach section of town. I worked on Sacremento street across from the Embar...
The reason for the high murder rate can't be exclusively be because of drugs and gangs. Every US city (and many suburbs) have problems with drugs and ...
@jaldeborgh I am curious what other locations did you consider?
I was doing research on San Diego as a possible vacation location for next year. I just saw a statistic that I couldn't believe. In 2020 there have b...
There is absolutely no excuse for racism of any kind. With that said I don't understand why if you felt slighted at Subway you didn't specifically ask...
I plan on taking a trip to Montreal. I have never been there but I've heard allot of nice things about the city. One interesting tidbit I found was th...
Rainbow beach is a special place to me, when I first came to St. Croix in 1979 right after a hurricane (I've forgotten which one it was) I used to go ...
There have been 42 murders in the Virgin Islands in 2018. Everyone knows this is just unacceptable. Lets have a frank discussion the islands are not A...
30 per cent seems high. I certainly hope the percentage is much lower.
About 10 years ago I was thinking about moving to Arizona. I fell in love with the Phoenix area and the desert landscaping. I was getting ready to pur...
My one and only time I took Printer was in 1978. I was on an Eastern airline flight from Miami heading to St. THOMAS. The flight was delayed and the p...
I always liked the views from St. Thomas but there is something special about St. Croix. It is definitely more laid back than St. Thomas. I left the i...
It's a shame con and scam artists are ruining Craigslist, I've so several items over the years on Craigslist but it's buyer beware.