Last seen: February 20, 2025 5:18 pm
Of course anytime a developer puts up an office building, factory, mall or any other large development the the thinking is that facility will be up fo...
Unfortunately in today's business world no one is looking at 20 to 30 years long term planning. Five years is the most any company will look ahead and...
What are the basic qualifications to be eligible to be a superfund site and doesnt it take many many years for the process is completed. I see many a...
People who bought St. c real estate in 2014 and 2015 have done well. I remember seeing an apartment in Coakley for 100k and other attractive apartment...
There used to be a syndicated real estate talk show host named Sonny Bloch who had a philosophy on real estate investing. You make your money when you...
I respectfully disagree with you regarding the home price surge. True interest rates are a very big factor but interest rates have been low for many y...
@gators_mom. See what happened to St. croix real estate values when the previous owners closed. Regarding US pandemic real estate pricing. Much of ...
Any long term plant closing will have a severe impact to the local economy. I would b e very careful buying any real estate at this time
I suggest you attend the university. This way you can continue to get an education which is a necessity to have and you can live on campus at the same...
@alana33 Very interesting article. It kind of reminds me the situation that communities surrounding coal mines have impacting their lives. Do yo...
@alana33 Shortly after the World Trade Center buildings were destroyed by terrorist activity in 2001, the federal govt including the EPA were tellin...
@alana33 Thanks for the update. It answered my question regarding the impact of the pollution on Enfield Green.
I am curious are the residents of Enfield Green and Whim impacted by the pollution caused by the Limetree malfunction?
I am curious are the residents of Enfield Green and Whim impacted by the pollution caused by the Limetree malfunction?
Rent before you buy.
11 shot and 4 dead in less than 12 hours. Welcome to 2021 St. Croix.
I must admit I was wondering the same thing about the connection between travel and the new homes. I thought I hit the wrong button and went to anothe...
I am curious. Why did this thread re-open its from 9 years ago.
Sometimes you see comments that suggest if you stay out of housing projects you don't have to worry about crime in the VI. A young man was recently ki...
Most people including myself always think of murder rates when talking about crime however with the new of the police officers arrested transporting d...
@cruzaniron Very interesting article
The year is only 4 days old and we already have 2 murders. Don't expect any solutions from our senators they are to busy spending their 100K salaries.
I often wondered what happens to the guns or drugs that are taken off the street by the police. I am sure most of it is destroyed but I am also sure s...
By the way, with the 2 murders that occurred over the weekend we now have 46 murders in the Virgin Islands this year.
@gators_mom Who was the Judge? Its about time we start looking at the records of Judges