St X
St X
Estimable Member
Joined: November 5, 2010 2:24 pm
Last seen: November 18, 2023 8:54 pm
Topics: 7 / Replies: 128
Re: Average VIPD Officers unable to pass 7th grade BASIC exam.

..., all he has to do is require the dept. to go look for them. And pay them a decent salary. You get what you pay for.

10 years ago
Re: Justice in St Croix

JD on STT, things didn't work out as you planned. That's no reason to be rude to other people who are trying.

10 years ago
Re: Justice in St Croix

Everyone mentions the crime. The inept justice system doesn't get as much air time.

10 years ago
Re: Sunny Isle Shooting

I'm beyond excited that a lot of the recent robbery/ shooting headlines include the words "apprehended" and "custody". Maybe the VIPD is stepping up i...

10 years ago
Re: Can't Count the results from 14 precincts in one night?

I would guess that those mainland election systems use tallying machines at the polling place. If you've paid any attention to this debacle of an elec...

10 years ago
Re: Kenneth Mapp

I have a felling that if everyone who is afraid to vote for Coffelt/ Canegata did vote for them, they just might get elected.

10 years ago
Re: Lobster?

Spiny lobster-Panulirus Argus Spotted Lobster- Panulirus Guttatus Slipper Lobster- Scyllarides Nodifer Spanish Lobster-Scyllarides ...

10 years ago
Re: What would you ask those running for election?

Ask what political capital they possess that makes them think they can change anything at all.

10 years ago
Re: How to Get Iguanas to Go Elsehwere

Thank you for that link Old Tart!

10 years ago
Re: Fulfilling our dream of Caribbean Living Early

Pearl B Larsen school seems to be one of the better public elementary schools. It's just outside of Christiansted to the east. Right around the corn...

10 years ago
Re: Black Tip Shark Resurgence off STX?

That is not news to anyone. All the lionfish being killed on the reefs are just drops in the ocean. The best we can hope for is to provide some ti...

11 years ago
Re: Black Tip Shark Resurgence off STX?

...and then the authorities will come in and kill them. I would hate to see that. Its already happened. DPNR killed off a few sharks around Cane ...

11 years ago
Re: Black Tip Shark Resurgence off STX?

...more aggressive when we are hunting lionfish. I know of three divers who have had their spears taken by sharks. There it is again. Those sha...

11 years ago
Re: Black Tip Shark Resurgence off STX?

Noted. The original post asks about "a large number of black tips to the area who have become rather aggressive with divers."

11 years ago
Re: Black Tip Shark Resurgence off STX?

Please be careful referring to the sharks as "aggressive". They have not been aggressive at all, but are highly curious as to whether or not they migh...

11 years ago
Re: Google Maps - STX

I'm with Jamison. One of the things I first loved about St Croix is that the "attractions" are not spoon fed to tourists. You have to actually meet an...

11 years ago
Re: ALERT! Some sort of credit card electronic fraud scanning in STT.

I'm sorry to add to the rumor mill, but when I showed this post to the spouse the reply was, "Have they been to the Bistro?" Evidently several of our ...

11 years ago
Re: Bioluminescence

Salt River looked great last night.

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

"MissMouthpiece" chimed in with 5 very pertinent questions.

11 years ago
Re: Jump Up last night

The director for the HGTV show said that the helicopter was not theirs. My friend in the tower said that it was an AS350 visiting from PR So i...

11 years ago
Re: Jump Up last night

I had a great time and agree that there seemed to be a ton of people. But what was with the obnoxious helicopter hovering around for WAY too long?

11 years ago
Re: Huge thank you to the "vandals"

It seems Ms Christensen's people didn't get the message. Their new sign could not be more directly in the line of sight to see to the east.

11 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1666
Re: Masonry Question......

On STT years ago Devcon, the Concrete company had a dumpster on their site that was expressly for this idea -- they found that people just would not s...

11 years ago
Re: Masonry Question......

This is just barely on-topic, but I've often wondered how feasible it would be to have a company that crushes empty bottles back into sand. I'm pretty...

11 years ago
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