Prominent Member
Joined: August 9, 2009 11:39 am
Topics: 108 / Replies: 469
Re: sprint vs at&t

AT&T has the best coverage on STX. I don't know about the rest of the island but Sprint has very poor coverage on the east end.

15 years ago
Re: SAt Morning Buck Island Activty

Right after my first post I went back out on the deck to watch. I then heard something moving quickly through the bush just below. Two "beings" brea...

15 years ago
Re: SAt Morning Buck Island Activty

Turns out it's some sort of swimming event. Silly me! Back to waching padiddles.

15 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1491
Re: Guidelines for entering the waters - STX

Vinegar will dissolve sea urchin spines.

15 years ago
Re: Cotton Valley Night Critter Sound

We just called "buggie red" - or whatever color it was - and kept score. Convertables were worth two points. Bugs that were beat up, patched up, ru...

15 years ago
Re: Cotton Valley Night Critter Sound

We called 'em padiddles in NJ. You got a kiss for calling one and a punch in the arm if it was a motorycle. Padiddle would be a good name for ou...

15 years ago
Re: a few questions for relocating

You'll have better luck finding an apartment fast over finding a house. Still, there are only so many places availabe in any given week so it's a cra...

15 years ago
Re: Anyone use Geico?

Recently my wife was told AARP now offers auto insurance in the USVI. She called the AARP VI number (a person in CT answers that number) and was told...

15 years ago
Re: STX Beach

Ha' Penny beach is at the end of one of those dirt roads. There are two pink concrete pillars at the entrance from South Shore Road.

15 years ago
Replies: 44
Views: 3365
Re: Washer/dryer recommendation

Anything in Gallows Bay is going to be more expensive. Check out Best Furniture across the parking lot from Plaza East, Sears/Kmart appliance store a...

15 years ago
Re: rum factory

The project is still on track. Over the past few weeks the company has been advertising available sub-contractor work in The Avis.

15 years ago
Re: Broadband Internet

If you haven't already done so - look on the side wall or roof for an exisiting antenna. That would indicate there's already been service at that loc...

15 years ago
Re: Cane Bay Beach Bar

We spoke with a couple this afternoon that just had breakfast there. Omlet (2 eggs) with fruit (three kinds - one small slice of each), and mimosas f...

15 years ago
Re: cows in cotton valley

Now wouldn't that be a great road kill meal?

15 years ago
Re: Haze?

I agree with FDR - we had the clearest views of STT, STJ, and BVI the few days leading up to this. Yesterday afternoon NOAA radar showed a huge l...

15 years ago
Re: Broadband Internet

There's Broadband VI which offers wireless Internet service (they install a small antenna your house) and Huges Net which is via satellite. We ha...

15 years ago
Re: green flash

Several yeas ago an in depth study concluded that most people who see the green flash are drinkinga Heineken at the time. Seriuosly, last night's...

15 years ago
Re: Dogs on a plane!

There's actually a period when they won't fly larger animals onto or off the island. It starts in mid-May but I don't recall when it ends. The guy w...

15 years ago
Re: You know you lived in the VI too long when.....

CLARIFICATION: Bringing the machete to bed at night is for centipede encounters.

16 years ago
Re: You know you lived in the VI too long when.....

When not using your directionals is a reflex action. When you drive around with several empty water jugs in your car - in case you pass a water m...

16 years ago
Re: appliance repairman stx???

A few years back I had great experiences with the guy from Oscar's. I know he's still there but I can't recall his name.

16 years ago
Re: TSA Hiring STX /STT

Don't get excited. The listed pay is for FULL TIME positions. Read the related information and you'll find: "OTHER INFORMATION: The salar...

16 years ago
Re: Gnats - what do you do?

Could be flying ants which swarm like termites.

16 years ago
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