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Joined: August 9, 2009 11:39 am
Topics: 108 / Replies: 469
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Views: 1188
Re: Opening a bank account

I can back up what fdr said about 1st Bank only requiring two forms of ID and a Social Security card to open an account. You do not need a local addr...

15 years ago
Re: Lizard droppings

br 1k - You didn't mention finding any of the poop on the walls which is where I usually find lizard poop - inside or out. The fact you mentione...

15 years ago
Re: so many southerers and midwesterners

Just spell it "yawl" and you don't need to worry where the apostrophe goes. (FYI: I did a spell check before posting this and yawl was not picked...

15 years ago
Re: Yacht Anchored at Buck

From the USVI Maine Guide: "Anchoring...is allowed in the designated area off West Beach only and a permit is required from the park superintende...

15 years ago
Re: Yacht Anchored at Buck

Yep! That's it. The last time we saw it out there (mid Sept) it stayed 3-4 days. During that time one of the large USAF cargo planes did a coup...

15 years ago
Re: Yacht Anchored at Buck

Thanks for the info. She's since pulled anchor. She really stands out when she's sitting out there.

15 years ago
Re: FCC satellite dish laws

Simply put, the sun generates electrical noise. There are times during the year when the sun gets BEHIND a satellite and the noise it generates overp...

15 years ago
Re: FCC satellite dish laws

Yeah, OK. That'll teach me to do posts first thing in the morning 😎 "How does the sun get between the satellite and the dish? I thought the...

15 years ago
Replies: 24
Views: 4379
Re: FCC satellite dish laws

Sean...you are correct. Rain fade is caused by the density of the rain drops blocking the signal. Heavy snow can also cause signal fade. Another c...

15 years ago
Re: how beautiful it is tonight!!

Saturday morning, too! Almost crystal clear view of STT/STJ and I can even see the mountains of Vieques and PR this morning!

15 years ago
Re: "New" Bar Open on STX South Shore Rd

The STX Wyndam is the Golden Gaming project at Great Pond. Which may get off the ground...some day.

15 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1458
Re: Building on STX... experience with Thermasteel or Force10?

I know someone who built a Force 10 home 3 years ago and he loves it. He especially loves the lower insurance premiums due to the life time factory w...

15 years ago
Re: Recycling Plastic water bottles?

There was something in the papers a few months ago about shipping an un-used glass crusher from STJ to STX. The crushed glass to be used in asphalt f...

15 years ago
Re: Soupy Sales Died today

Doug... I Love Lucy and Lassie were two differet shows. Roy (Rogers) and Dale (Evans) were in the Roy Rogers Show. (My favorite Saturday m...

15 years ago
Re: Recycling Plastic water bottles?

There have been recycling programs before. The problem is it costs money to get the stuff off the islands. "Why is it so hard to recycle here...

15 years ago
Re: Orionid Meteor Showers Tonight

Yep! Shooting stars are meteors. Way cool!

15 years ago
Re: Bureau of Motor Vehicles

Terry, You can sell/buy a car as log as the missing party assigns power of attorney to someone who then needs to go with you to BMV. We've done ...

15 years ago
Re: Orionid Meteor Showers Tonight

As long as you can see Orion you ought to see the meteors. Look to the north of Orion.

15 years ago
Re: Clear Air

You're right Dixie. That cruise ship was glowing big time. What a sight!

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 15
Views: 2308
Re: Orionid Meteor Showers Tonight

We got up at 4:00 AM. Probably a bit too early but we figured that was better than missing it all together. We had about 15 minutes of clear sky be...

15 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 2880
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