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Joined: August 9, 2009 11:39 am
Topics: 108 / Replies: 469
Re: What do I need to do to bring guns to USVI

You will need to have a Federally licensed dealer in the states ship them to a licensed dealer in the VI. Once you're on island you'll need to go to ...

15 years ago
Re: jobs for old men

A great way to find work in the VI is through contacts. Good old fashion face to face networking. If you already know people here hang out with them...

15 years ago
Re: automobile: to ship or not to ship

Jim... We've brought three cars from the states to St Croix. One during our original move four years ago. (We left it behind to be sold when we ...

15 years ago
Re: Satellite vs Cable STX?

Here are a few thoughts... CATV is more prone to service outages. Consider the miles of cable strung on utility poles and the devices (amplifier...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1420
Re: Missing Divers Off STX - Thursday Afternoon

I heard the captain didn't feel well, left the site for a while, and couldn't find the two divers when he returned. He then called for help which ini...

15 years ago
Re: Appliance Repair STX

I haven't had the need for a few years but I used to use Oscar's and was always pleased with their serviceman who i believe is still there.

15 years ago
Re: Missing Divers Off STX - Thursday Afternoon

3:15 PM It was two and they were just picked up by a passing boat off the east end of Buck island. Whew! I heard it was 3. Two of them ar...

15 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1474
Replies: 12
Views: 2767
Re: Power out in Cotton Valley

Ours went out just after 6:33 AM and came back up around 8:45 AM. A friend in La Grande Princess also lost power and is now back online.

15 years ago
Re: Home Depot

GBH is convenient in that they often have what you need. As for their prices - well, we call the store "Tiffany's". From my stateside experience...

15 years ago
Re: More STX Helicopter Activity

That or they were checking out your Christimas decorations. Which look very nice at night from over here 😎

15 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1602
15 years ago
Replies: 24
Views: 2932
Re: Disposing of small appliances on STX

If the hairdryer has a printed circuit board in it - which many these day do - it's considered "electronic waste" and should not go into the dumpster....

15 years ago
Re: Electric outage

I usually wait 30-45 minutes and then I call. When I first moved to St Croix four years ago friends had told us about the constent and lengthy po...

15 years ago
Re: customs

We have new neighbors moving in down the hill from us (on STX). I drove by this morning and saw the awesome crew from Bob Lynch Trucking unloading a ...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1033
Re: No AT&T Service - STX East End - Tues Afternoon?

Us, too, at 6:26 PM. Any idea how long service was out? I only noticed at 5:15.

15 years ago
Re: No AT&T Service - STX East End - Tues Afternoon?

Never thought I'd say this but...wish i had a landline!

15 years ago
Re: customs

We've moved from NJ to STX, STX to CA, and recently returned to STX from FL. Each time with a container that was being handled by a local moving comp...

15 years ago
Re: Lizard droppings

"why the heck is lizard crap better?" Lizards each mosquiotos and other insects. Mice eat everything else.

15 years ago
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