sloop jones
Reputable Member
Joined: September 29, 2008 3:50 pm
Topics: 32 / Replies: 222
Re: Dish Network Locals CBS?

Al I do understand. it seems to me the FCC has it wrong. they are restricting access to AA Direct An account can't get AA Direct any longer ...

11 years ago
Re: Dish Network Locals CBS?

there were earlier games on CBS NYC and SF feeds. Those games were not on 18. Margaritagirl, the tv without 18 is connected to a receiver which i...

11 years ago
Re: Dish Network Locals CBS?

so 18 is CBS? Sloop

11 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1575
Re: WIFI Recommendation

East End? Which one.

11 years ago
Re: Seriously Slow BBVI for last 2-3 days!

Alana, if you rely on the internet for your business, i suggest you consider having redundant service....service from a second ISP. We have 2 I...

12 years ago
Re: Goats

goat cheese! i've often wondered that as well. and I've heard other people wonder too. it must be hard work. lots of wonderi...

12 years ago
Re: ATT STJ East End

after some improvement we are half way back to where we were a month ago.. for ius calls work data does not. Sloop

12 years ago
Re: ATT STJ East End

The message below came to my mail box today. good info here about how to get ATT to respond. I haven't had reliable cell service for 3-4 ...

12 years ago
Re: ATT STJ East End

here's the local ATT number 774 0005. Call if it is happening to you. thx, Sloop

12 years ago
Re: ATT STJ East End

Anybody know what number we all need to call at ATT to report this problem wi. the Bodo STJ tower? or just call billing and refuse to pay till ...

12 years ago
12 years ago
Replies: 22
Views: 2448
Re: Interesting - New ISP offering hi-speed satelite internet with VI Coverage

On their website, one of their markets is the Cruise ship industry. It looks like they will have a presence here.

12 years ago
Re: Wireless Router Question:

I was not suggesting BBVI. I am suggesting you find someone who works on Home networks. Asking BBVI to solve your network problem is like asking...

12 years ago
Re: Wireless Router Question:

This has been on going for 5 months, have you had a human bean look over your system? It is pretty hard to diagnose and fix a problem using an o...

12 years ago
Re: Innovative Internet nightmare

speed test on Choice . East End of STJ. to miami. 051313

12 years ago
Re: Can one Camp in tent on Islands

my neighbor lives on a rocky cliff . the guy was btw. the vegetation line and low tide, whcihc in this location is about 30'. the police came and t...

12 years ago
Re: Innovative Internet nightmare

E N E R V A T I V E sloop

12 years ago
Re: Innovative Internet nightmare

Which line is bad? the line inside your unit or the incoming line to your unit? Sloop jones

12 years ago
Re: Can one Camp in tent on Islands

the VI code allows hanging on the beach....... day or long as you don't harass. sloop

12 years ago
Re: ATT Micro Cell--New info!

thank you bill and jim. sloop

12 years ago
Re: Can one Camp in tent on Islands

Right now my neighbors have a man camping on the beach in front of their house. The VIPD say he can do that. Sloop

12 years ago
Re: ATT Micro Cell--New info!

I have been told the micro cell requires an internet connection to work? True?

12 years ago
Re: recommend a website designer?

"you knew all the notes, you sung all the words but you never quite learned the tune" a good web designer make a site sing.

12 years ago
Re: recommend a website designer?

I am an artist. I have been a graphic designer and professional photographer in the past. That does not make me a "web designer" Hire a profe...

12 years ago
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