Noble Member
Joined: February 15, 2014 8:12 pm
Last seen: April 3, 2022 9:34 pm
Topics: 69 / Replies: 947
RE: What's Plan B?

Well put Rotorhead. Ive been here three years full-time now, and your right about how you “start noticing the little annoying things”. I too, hope t...

5 years ago
RE: What's Plan B?

Relying on tourism is never a good idea, so glad Lime Tree is restarting the refinery. The first thing to go when times get tough, is an expensive vac...

5 years ago
RE: Another relocation post?

Puerto Rico’s only hope is statehood. The VI will follow suit... after our impending default.

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 1451
RE: UnAmore on STX closing

Until the masses get vaccinated, all things tourist related is going to take a hit. But once people feel safe again, these islands are going to get sw...

5 years ago
Replies: 15
Views: 1394
RE: Stimulus checks

I had pretty much given up hope. Checked my PO Box today, and low and behold, my stimulus check was there. And my WAPA bill also had the $250 bonus...

5 years ago
RE: Stimulus checks

And not to go off track again, but this is another great example of why you don’t want Socialism. Everything the government gets its hands on, turns...

5 years ago
RE: Stimulus checks

I received a letter stating I’d get mine by May 28th. Still nothing in my PO Box. I’ve called up 3 times about it already, they keep telling me their ...

5 years ago
RE: Stimulus checks

Good point CruzanIron.

5 years ago
RE: Stimulus checks

SMH... The most recent Unemployment numbers have dropped by 13%. The S&P 500 broke 3200 on Friday. England has a vaccine already in mass product...

5 years ago
RE: Stimulus checks

Our letter said we’d receive our check May 29th. Checked the PO Box today, still wasn’t there. Called the STX Phone number on the letter and they said...

5 years ago
RE: Stimulus checks

Last week we received a letter stating we’re getting a stimulus check. Couldn’t understand why they bothered to do that. Just mail us the check! I w...

5 years ago
RE: Consortium creates another shitstorm

Income taxes from your stateside pension will be paid to the IRB (internal revenue bureau, USVI). You taxes here will mirror the federal taxes paid st...

5 years ago
RE: Another relocation post?

All good advice jaldeborgh. Id like to add more to “part of America” After Maria is when I really felt good about being in the U.S.VI. Our federal ...

5 years ago
RE: Electrical Meter Failure

Within the year, construction will be done on my home. Once I’ve got my CO, I’m cutting off WAPA completely and going off-grid. WAPA has never reduced...

5 years ago
RE: Electrical Meter Failure

I’m just hoping my meter is storing an accurate record of my usage for the last several months. I should get an accurate reimbursement for my overpaym...

5 years ago
Replies: 21
Views: 2244
Replies: 25
Views: 2777
RE: Kmart Done?

Concerning local meat supply: There is a fenced-in yard across the street from Beaston Hill Heath & Fitness. Several cows can usually be seen gr...

5 years ago
RE: Kmart Done?

Kmart has been on the ropes for a long time. The VI stores are a few of the profitable ones left because they’re the only game in town (island). Wal...

5 years ago
RE: Best Advice

It’s not for everyone. From your first post, I suspect great hesitation on your part due to the words you chose to use- (Big Change!! & Drastic ...

5 years ago
RE: Kmart Done?

Was there myself last week and thought the same thing. Only Cruzan Run in alcohol section, everything else gone. Rumors have been circulating for a ...

5 years ago
RE: The contrast of TIME

During my ongoing project, I spend most weekends shoring up work done during the week. Nearly every evening I’ll check things with a tape measure and ...

5 years ago
RE: The contrast of TIME

It’s not about job security. Options are limited. There’s very little competition. As I mentioned with the tile guy, my estimated price never went up....

5 years ago
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