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Joined: August 17, 2015 10:58 pm
Topics: 15 / Replies: 121
Re: Moving FROM the VI TO Florida

Oh I know where that is Alana33! Do you like hiking or camping by any chance? You are close to Ocala National Forest with lots of good options!!!

9 years ago
Re: Can I do it?

Mike told me to stop watching TV as well and I just ignored it because I don't watch TV or own a TV or have cable. I almost told him I didn't but it s...

9 years ago
Re: Moving FROM the VI TO Florida

I live in Florida. What area are you two moving to?

9 years ago
Re: Better at jumping than waiting...

Wow! This generated a lot of comments 🙂 I had about three glasses of wine and was feeling antsy. I am an adventurer, and I've been in one place too ...

9 years ago
Replies: 42
Views: 3826
Re: Autos

Would importing my older Mercedes sedan all wheel drive be a resonable choice? We have an old Mexican veteran 97 Ford Expedition,not as fun but rock ...

9 years ago
Re: approaching our 2 year mark 🙂

Yes! Sell everything and move. Most of us are weighed down by too many things we don't need! So glad you are living your dream 🙂

9 years ago
Re: Ex-husband beats me to it...

No Captain Malibu....Just an old tired story I guess 😉 Great memory OT.

9 years ago
Re: Ex-husband beats me to it...

It's my fault this is looking like a Dear Abby column...I presented it that way. Honestly, I'm glad she is going, he is just a lot better off than I a...

9 years ago
Re: Sailing community

My dad's boat was named "Summer Breeze"...

9 years ago
Replies: 21
Views: 2185
Re: why people leave

Ghost Rider- I am on the west coast of Florida. Pretty good description. Beaches are so much better here! But I happen to live in a very highly popula...

9 years ago
Re: Sailing community

Thank you everyone for all of the links and advice. My dad was my best friend and he sailed and I sailed with him a few times but most of the time he ...

9 years ago
Re: Zika Virus St. Croix

My Florida county has seen a few cases of this now. Time to start reading up I guess.

9 years ago
Re: Sailing community

Thanks guys! My dad passed away last year and he was a sailor and I would like to learn! And thank you exit zero for the link. No one has yet said STX...

9 years ago
Replies: 18
Views: 2160
Re: Advice about moving here.

Depressed? In America, there is a big live for work movement. Look around. A bunch of depressed people living for their job that they hate, sitting i...

9 years ago
Re: Current Prices in the Virgin Islands 2016

It is super expensive to live here unless one is vegetarian and has time for subsistence gardening. This is interesting since in the states...

9 years ago
Re: Make CockFighting Illegal In The U.S. Virgin Islands Now!

Great post Wanderer- Coming from vegan tree hugging animal lover.

9 years ago
Re: Still fuming after taxi from airport situation.

I've had two taxi rides that endeared me to two different islands when I was on an 11 day cruise. Landed on Barbados on Christmas day. Everything...

9 years ago
Re: Looking to relocate to St John

I figure as a US citizen it would be harder to go to St. Maarten. /blockquote> Thank you. Seems less difficult than some other non-US i...

9 years ago
Re: Looking to relocate to St John

I have a friend who is living part time on St. Maarten and has made the suggestion that I try it out as opposed to the USVI. I figure as a US citizen ...

9 years ago
Re: Looking to relocate to St John

I have a friend who is living part time on St. Maarten and has made the suggestion that I try it out as opposed to the USVI. I figure as a US citizen ...

9 years ago
Re: Should kids be brought on a PMV?

May be too late but I would suggest bringing the kids on your PMV. If you are a home school mom you are likely very adept at getting things done with ...

9 years ago
Re: why people leave

Alana- I live about 25 min from St. Pete beach area. Love it there. When I am looking for a slower pace I like Dunedin which isn't too far north of th...

9 years ago
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