Eminent Member
Joined: August 4, 2007 11:49 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 24
Re: high school

"Most trolls do go away when ignored." Then why are you and your support group here constantly running your mouth to each other in a group hug lo...

18 years ago
Re: high school

One has to wonder just how long you people will have to keep your group therapy public instead of actually getting back on topic. Safety in numbers, h...

18 years ago
Re: high school

Actually, I would talk rudely to people are are rude to me. I have no qualms about putting people in their place. I teat others as I am treated. Perha...

18 years ago
Re: high school

"Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you." ...

18 years ago
Re: high school

Thank you antiqueone. eigo no sensei data? Ryugakuse? I do find it interesting how people continue to call the US Virgin Islands 'paradise' when...

18 years ago
Re: high school

Oh, a sad adult who so desperately NEEDS To get the last word in. At least on Big Daikon, I knew all the posters were kids, but here, you've proven yo...

18 years ago
Re: Importing/Buying a Right Hand Drive Vehicle?

Trade, why are you so hurt that I don't need you?

18 years ago
Re: high school

No problem. If not for fools like you, the rest of us could not succeed. Other posters here are adults who know that neither you, nor they, are partic...

18 years ago
Re: Mark Twain Quote

Do kids go to school during hurricanes? Just curious as I've had to work during hurricanes until they reached a Category 3 or until the tour buses sto...

18 years ago
Re: high school

"As Trade noted, that's not what I said. There are plenty of ambitious West Indians but their ambitions may not parallel your ambitions and what you m...

18 years ago
Re: Mark Twain Quote

"The VI will survive us all." But will it survive the hurricanes?

18 years ago
Re: Importing/Buying a Right Hand Drive Vehicle?

Respect is earned. Linda needs to realize that. I don't kowtow to people who think that they are automatically special just becuase they happen ...

18 years ago
Re: high school

Ah, the "American know-it-all" is not confined to Japan after all. Look honey, you ain't special and neither are the USVI. Get a map sometime and perh...

18 years ago
Re: Mark Twain Quote

When I see the arrogance of myopic small minded little people who think that they know everything about a particular place and that they are special f...

18 years ago
Re: Importing/Buying a Right Hand Drive Vehicle?

Thanks Eve. Nice to see there are some reasonable people who don't live with their head up their rear thinking that they know everything and are speci...

18 years ago
Re: Importing/Buying a Right Hand Drive Vehicle?

Beaming to the right? Every car I've ever had has had the lights going forward. May I suggest that you get your lights adjusted to work properly.

18 years ago
Re: high school

Never underestimate a stupid person's need to vomit useless crap out of their tiny mind when they have the security of anonymity. Gawd, this board ser...

18 years ago
Re: high school

"There may be many things here, including the public school system, that you perceive would benefit from change but the West Indian majority are not r...

18 years ago
Re: high school

I taught at what is called "an academic high school" on a very small island off of Okinawa - it is only slightly larger than St. Thomas - and the expe...

18 years ago
Re: Importing/Buying a Right Hand Drive Vehicle?

Jules, I honestly do not see how my post would have offended any reasonable person....and I must emphasize REASONABLE because some posters in this th...

18 years ago
Re: high school

I am a White guy who taught in Japan on a poor island so I am used to being in the minority and being in a population of hard working-class people. Wh...

18 years ago
Re: Importing/Buying a Right Hand Drive Vehicle?

Being superior to emotionally fragile people does not bother me in the slightest. The internet is crawling with these people and it is not my life's m...

18 years ago
Re: Importing/Buying a Right Hand Drive Vehicle?

I've lived and driven in Japan/Okinawa/small outlying islands for some time so I am quite familiar with driving on the left (and in fact I prefer it b...

18 years ago
Replies: 55
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