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Joined: December 14, 2008 12:48 am
Topics: 41 / Replies: 185
Re: St Croix - Rack Rate Increase .23 -gas jumps - gas goes up .50 in one day

What BS. Where is DLCA? Is this what an 8% paycut gets us? They cut the price monitors? Or, are the price monitors making a lil' on the side to "forge...

13 years ago
Re: internet tv through phone?

Thanks y'all. Now I have a direction to go!

13 years ago
Re: internet tv through phone?

Hmm. I have an Android. My phone is the modem for the pc. Can I, and how do I, connect the tv to the computer? Will it work? Thanks! I am coming ...

13 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1649
Re: Find Cheap Gas On St Croix-Lets Post Cheap Gas Prices As We See Them

Turns out that the .07 tax is imcluded in the rack rate.

13 years ago
Re: Dog trainer

Years ago I met/ hired this woman to help with training. SHE IS PHENOMINAL! She trained me to train my pets. Get her book/dvd. Still to this day I c...

13 years ago
Re: What should we NOT miss in the BVIs?

The Baths are awesome, go. Hit the east end of Tortola, The Bittet End. It's fun, and the donkey is silly. Salt Island. Go buy a pound if th...

13 years ago
Re: Troubling Questions about the FBI Raid

The author of this post is just promoting his website. He is posting a bunch of links on different blogsites with links to his. Fine, but just be hone...

13 years ago
Re: FBI raids legislature building

I think we are going to find out that Ronnie was rigged to win his senatorial seat.

13 years ago
Re: FBI raids legislature building

Ronnie is scared of what the Feds are going to find on that server. Ronnie needs to begin concerning himself with doing the work of the People, not st...

13 years ago
Re: Seamstress

Okay, I'll pm you Sunday. I know a woman who has a shop in her home. She is a pro. She makes clothing from pictures. She has some kid's clothes for sa...

13 years ago
Re: Fresh Raisin Bran Crunch=Cocoons and Moths!

I have done a little research on selling expired food in the VI. The FDA does not regulate the sale of expired food, they leave it up to the states to...

13 years ago
Re: Seamstress

What type of clothing are you looking to have made?

13 years ago
Re: FBI raids legislature building

The saying goes...only as strong as the weakest link... Alvin is only 33. A future of 20+ years in a prison cell can seem quite depressive for a ...

13 years ago
Re: FBI raids legislature building

My mistake, they did not take the main server, they are reading it where it is. Still good news though. The corruption must end.

13 years ago
Re: FBI raids legislature building

They took the main server. So much is going to be exposed. Thank you FBI!

13 years ago
Re: WAPA petition

Thanks Chef Noah for bringing this to our attention! EVERYBODY needs to send this link to everyone they know. We are 110,000 strong, and there is...

13 years ago
13 years ago
Replies: 22
Views: 3058
Re: This sounds like good news...

The last paragraph leaves me with concern. It states "could" lower costs, not will. We have all the resources to become self-providers, so what i...

13 years ago
Re: Opening a bank account and other week 1 questions

I would suggest Bank of St Croix if they have a branch on STJ. Scotia & First are based out of Canada & PR, respectively. Bank of STX out of Miami, so...

13 years ago
Re: OMG!! Home Depot

I made my 4th trip since they opened today, I keep remembering all those little things I have been needing for's great to be able to get t...

13 years ago
Re: AT&T tower still down in STX?

Bring your self, phone, & computer out to F'sted, ATT has been fine for hours now. Polly's has free wireless & offers a veggie menu. Turtle's has fr...

14 years ago
Re: AT&T tower still down in STX?

F'sted has about a 90% reliability with ATT as of now.

14 years ago
Re: Given the times, what do you recommend newbies bring?

Rising WAPA rates, soon-to-be higher sea transit rates, all too many WAPA outages, the high cost of certain items in the territory vs costs stateside,...

14 years ago
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