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Joined: September 8, 2005 6:18 am
Last seen: October 18, 2021 4:21 pm
Topics: 62 / Replies: 2411
Re: Aren't Washington politics getting exciting?

First task accomplished, Kavanaugh confirmed to the Supreme Court. Now for the FBI/DOJ.

6 years ago
Re: Williams Delight

I heard these gunshots. Sounded like a heated battle. I live in Pueblo Heights.

6 years ago
Re: Aren't Washington politics getting exciting?

Thanks for adding such interesting information. So you quote any source that agrees with you? Not saying whether right or wrong - just a ...

7 years ago
Re: Aren't Washington politics getting exciting?

No. Are they wrong? There are other sources, just google it. Or wait a few days. "A factual search shows that they have not failed any fact check...

7 years ago
Re: Aren't Washington politics getting exciting?

This letter was sent from the Democratic Gang of Four to the Head of the FBI, the Assistant Attorney General and the DNI. It talks about previou...

7 years ago
Re: broadband

BBVI has not provided the speeds that they are charging me for since the hurricane. No word of a rebate on charges because of lack of service. I'm sti...

7 years ago
Re: BBVI after Maria

I did not berate anyone. I was not being a jerk to your CSR. You simply rushed to judgement and misinterpreted what you saw. I would be happy to...

7 years ago
Re: BBVI after Maria

Of course I remember it completely differently. I had not come in to yell at anyone. I had come in with my six month old puppy to talk to custo...

7 years ago
Re: BBVI after Maria

Jason, this is nothing. I actually went into the BBVI office last week, the first time in my 10+ years as a customer. PM me and I'll tell you the st...

7 years ago
Re: Paying your BBVI bill?

My billing was stopped after the storm, except that I continued to be billed $5 per month for a static IP address even though I had no service. I was ...

7 years ago
Re: Finally some news!

Any news on BBVI?

8 years ago
Re: new president

If you're waiting for the leftist mainstream media or BLM to denounce the violence or the property damage, don't hold your breath. Could it be th...

8 years ago
Re: VING allowed to seize private guns and ammo?!?!

The source of information seems to be the "daily caller." That pretty much says it all. Exactly. Come on, folks, use some critical thinking here...

8 years ago
Re: new president

The whole premise on which BLM was founded is bogus. They claim that police disproportionately shoot more blacks than whites. Twice as many whites are...

8 years ago
Re: new president

Historians have long debated the causes of the war and the Southern perspective differs greatly from the Northern perspective. Based upon the study of...

8 years ago
Re: new president

Logical Fallacies

8 years ago
Re: new president

Isn't DailyKos the Breitbart of the left? MediaBias says that they have extreme left bias and their factual reporting is mixed. They are rated ...

8 years ago
Re: new president

Snopes! Facts checked by professionals? Yes, but which professions? Strippers and escorts. And Dommes. Now a investigation reveal...

8 years ago
Re: new president

Snopes? At the end of the day, it is clear that before we rush to place fact checking organizations like Snopes in charge of arbitrating what is ...

8 years ago
Re: new president

Gary Johnson would have been fine. I've always been a supporter of both Pauls as well. I think Rand would be a great President. Rand would be my ...

8 years ago
Re: new president

I like you, have a little Arkansas Clinton experience. The fact that they weren't both in prison by the time Bill ran for President still baffles me. ...

8 years ago
Re: new president

One of the many hypocritical things about the left is how they view hate groups. The horrible KKK, a white supremacist group, should be banned from al...

8 years ago
Re: A Different Kind of Move

Change RV to Boat. Get a liveaboard boat and travel from island to island. Either a sailboat or a small powerboat would do. Get a slip at a marina or ...

8 years ago
Re: Amazon

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8 years ago
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