Last seen: October 18, 2021 4:21 pm
Our "adult" president is an embarrassment to the country. He has damaged the country's reputation for decades to come. Funny thing, President Dementia...
@steven17 Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah.
I will be voting Republican for the first time in 32 years. Not because I am Republican but because the Democrats have made it impossible to waste my ...
Have someone turn off parental controls! Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Thus our disagreement. I think that from the left's viewpoint everyone is a victim. If you aren't doing as well as someone else, it must be their faul...
I am an atheist Libertarian. The god thing doesn't do much for me. I was raised Southern Baptist but I was one of the few who actually read the bible ...
It beats the alternative. Everyone gets old if they are lucky. Are you trying to out me or something? I have been very clear on my feelings about BLM....
What are you talking about? I am an atheist Libertarian who will probably vote for Trump this election because the Democrats have gone crazy. I ...
@jaldeborgh You are where I was 22 years ago. I was 47 and just retired from Microsoft. I moved to paradise. I thought that I could insulate myself ...
@vicanuck I just moved away from STX after 22 years. I am very happy. It's kind of like boat ownership. The two happiest days of your life are the d...
It will be interesting to see in a few months whether the electorate reelects Trump or instead opts for socialism and racial based politics.
Nothing will change until the government is insolvent and the Feds come in to take over. The Government of the VI is not capable of getting out of the...
I am sure the problems are all caused by racism. BLM to the rescue! A few riots, burn down the refinery then blame Trump for not sending more money do...
93% of black homicides in the states are black on black homicides. Violence everywhere. More here.
Nice rant! TDS for sure.Trump 2020
Where was the collusion that they spent three years looking for?
We moved here from the Seattle area in 1998. My wife grew up in Ponce, PR and has family there.
They say it can happen anywhere. I have been in the same house for 21 years now. This happened at the 14 year point. I guess I have 7 more to go. The...
As I understand he was charged as an adult. The three perps were 30, 20 and 15 years old.After the initial statements following the incident there was...
BTW. The suspect who survived was only charged with burglary. Even though people died and unregistered firearms were involved.
My personal story. Held at gun point for over two hours.
Good. No more indictments. Just put it behind us and move on. I am eager to hear the results of the DOJ IG's investigation.
Make sure your health care insurance works here and get evacuation insurance. Get a big dog. The Pet Place will help.
On STX. Sunny Isle Medical Center.