Last seen: February 7, 2019 3:02 pm
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We should place bets of which one took longer, the Christiansted Bypass or the Statium when it's ever finished.
Definitely, On the Walls in Gallows Bay. Christine does a great job.
What island are you wanting these things? Do you really want sea level or near beach? Have you ever been through a hurricane and the sea surge th...
The very best advice to new comers to the island, no matter how wonderful buying looks like on HGTV, is DO NOT BUY FOR AT LEAST ONE OR BETTER, TWO YEA...
For some reason my email wasn't downloaded into the iCloud. But, I've now transferred all my mail and contacts to my gmail account. Took two days of d...
I'm on STX, saw a nice efficiency on the west end on Craigslist yesterday with nice view. I think it was $700. Was a real place and not a scam. I...
Since we are considered the "agri" island of the three, I'd think more opportunity for you would be here. I've lived in DC and can fully understand yo...
Last couple of days the humidity has been horrible, IMO. I'm from SW Arkansas where humidity is also high.
I can't answer that, but, I do, personally know two homeless veterans here on STX.
I can't answer all your questions, but, for me to move to STT would be moving to a rat race! I live on STX. When I came in '95, I took a $25k cut...
My best advice, do not bring a shipping container full of things! Do not buy a home for the first year at least, maybe two or three. I've seen to...
Because my email account was so compromised and my banking information was taken and used. I found 3 emails associated with my account that I didn't s...
Thank you. I'm in Frederiksted, but, guess I'll head over there and take a look-see. I'm not computer illiterate as I have degree in Comp Sci, but, ...
I just saw a house boat available for long term on Craigslist this a.m.
My neighbor, with a Psychology degree, came last year and presently works as a cook and part time tour guide. Your wife might have more opportunities ...
There are many differences pros and cons with each island. There is a lot of info on this forum to start getting familiar but in the end you need th...
Wolverine888, I sent you a pm. Check link above these messages.
Quick question, with the higher cost of electricity in STT/STJ than here in the states, do most leases and rentals require that the tenant pay for the...
Thursday nights at Rythms at Rainbow beach.
Thanks, I hoping for his number as I'd heard he was here. But, since I posted that, I broke down and ordered a Singer online and I now have that one.
I've had my purse snatched off my arm in broad daylight in '95. While was walking down Queen Cross between Strand and the ocean (no boardwalk back the...
We take my Lincoln to Mike at MPH. But, we take my husband's Jeep to Jim Winslow.
Sorry, I just can't help myself. Did any of the above read the first post or just the title and then commented? It was yesterday she said wh...