Honorable Member
Joined: March 9, 2012 8:13 pm
Last seen: February 7, 2019 3:02 pm
Topics: 19 / Replies: 684
Re: The Avis

Scubadoo, thank you! I left him a VM. Hopefully he will call me back. Yes, a few will spoil things for many.

7 years ago
Re: The Avis

Do you have a phone number for the Consortium? I'd like to contact them regarding the horrible behavior of the Crusan children on the Royal Caribbean ...

7 years ago
Re: Hurricane Maria - TD 15

Carl, I'd say that Marie looks to follow Hugo's track. Let's hope and pray not! Wow!

7 years ago
Re: Hurricane Maria - TD 15

I certainly could've read the maps wrong, but looked like a big difference in the time Maria would hit STX. Could someone tell me which is correct?

7 years ago
Re: AT&T East End STX Out?

Ernieandmaryjo, I'm at the last house on Rainbow Drive facing west 400' up. We got VIYA last night, out this a.m. Then later on again. Just got ATT ba...

7 years ago
Re: AT&T East End STX Out?

True, I didn't mean to sound complaining. Yes, I remember well not having electricity for 3 full months after Marilyn in '95 and large gaping hole in ...

7 years ago
Re: AT&T East End STX Out?

Well, aren't y'all very blessed on the East End of STX. I spent 30 minutes on the phone with ATT, not in my neighborhood, day before yesterday. I...

7 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

Is ATT service down all over STX? My husband is off island and doesn't do Internet. I'm sure he's upset my phone goes directly to VM.

8 years ago
Re: Moving with Kids

We have three islands here. Good idea to rent before buying. Better idea is a PMV, pre Move Visit. Neighborhoods here are different than in the states...

8 years ago
Re: VING allowed to seize private guns and ammo?!?!

that is written in to the emergency act, but it's not being leveraged. I'm sitting right next to the FEMA and national guard control cells, no talk of...

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

We were just plain tired after preparing for Luis and didn't prepare as much for Marilyn. I lost a lot on STX and WAPA was out until first of December...

8 years ago
Re: FBI refuses to release Hillary Clinton files citing insufficient public interest

Petition signed, sealed, but, not delivered. Waiting on their verification email for it to go through. Lock up that WITCH! She's one evil woman!

8 years ago
Re: IT'S A GOOD TIME TO PURGE! Community Yard Sale on STX - Monday Sept 4 from 9-2

I have a feeling Monday will be a big weather event here. If not here, as large as it is, there should be plenty of rain about then.

8 years ago
Re: UPS / FedEx deliveries

FedEx has never found any of the places I've lived on STX and I've always gone to their office for pickup. But, then, UPS has had me pickup as well.

8 years ago

S J Julie, that's a wonderful thing you did for the island's children. Thank you for your time and effort! Hopefully, your movement will spread.

8 years ago
Re: new president

Keep drinking that koolaide! Seriously? I drank the kook-aide, er, sorry, typo, for way too many years and stopped in '08. I thank God!

8 years ago
Re: Italy Pics

Those were beautiful Adrian! You certainly captured Italy's beauty! Why wouldn't you go back? I'd be back there in a heartbeat if I could again. But...

8 years ago
Re: Finally moved to Christianstead

Get the My VI app and listed under Play will be what is happening on each island. Just click the bold title to get details about each event. Then goog...

8 years ago
Re: new president

I like this quote from the NWO Devil himself. "If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts." ---Ge...

8 years ago
Re: Finally moved to Christianstead

Southwest is about right for kfc. We have mongoose dem instead of snipe. Nope, the KFC is also northwest of Christiansted on Northshore Rd. ...

8 years ago
Re: rental STX

Colony Cove usually has some listed on I've rented 3 different apartments there over the years.

8 years ago
Re: Finally moved to Christianstead

Just a little southwest by the mcdonalds/kfc Wouldn't that be a tad northwest? No McDonalds southwest of C'sted.

8 years ago
Re: new president

A letter to my American friends: when did the dream die? /blockquote> I didn't read the article. But, IMO, the "American Dream" died when our...

8 years ago
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