Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Just try and put yourself in their shoes. Imagine how many emails and calls they get with people looking for jobs. It's a daily occurance around here....
Had lunch atthe Delly Deck the other day. It was crowded. I asked how buusiness was. Pne of the waitresses said' season over, who said season was over...
SailAway wrote: Lee lives on STX, > which may explain a little. Ain't touching that one!! Have never heard of any of the guys over here...
So, this Managed Freight guy is located where? Have not heard of him before around here. Ronnie
Jim, The people here do not require money from you until the car is here. Don't know of any that do it otherwise. It's very simple to ship a car. ...
Taxes are based on value if foreign, should be around 3.4%. Registration and licensing are one in the same around $75 including the title. There is a ...
You got to stop being picky. Teresa I know of your exceptions, but maybe you can grab one of them and then when the right one comes along move there, ...
Paul. I drove around the North side yesterday ans saw some signs. They are still there! Ronnie
To a mailbox on your road is where! Ronnie
Would you leave him in your bedroom all day? Compared to a whole apartment. Ronnie
What size dog is it? The trouble I have had in the past is, dogs aren't as well behaved as their owners say they are, and some owners don't take care ...
And I would recommend Mucki Wesley at Curreri and Company. Trouble is, it seems to me, they are so bogged down with the EDCs and so many people ...
Call Mike at Frank's Bake Shop, he is one, a Mason. 340-714-2253 Ronnie
.alexandra wrote: > wants me to come live with him after I have > saved up enough for a plane ticket. > You need a whole lot more than t...
You should deal directly with the shipping companies to avoid all problems. Unless you can't drive over to the east coast. Try or crowley...
There are ads listed here: Good luck! Ronnie
You were so lucky to find that house! He usually has a waiting list an arm long! Betrter find a big car to buy or rent an SUV next time!! Ronnie
I don't think you have done your homework. I think that Cinnamon is more expensive than some of the guest houses here in St. Thomas on a daily basis. ...
719.6640 Toyota of St. Croix. Plenty of Lexus' around here, sure they must be able to work on them! Ronnie
It's always so funny to hear how Christmas is to be enjoyed sans snow and cold weather. How about those folks who live in Florida, California, Arizona...
Here is another you could try. Ronnie
I live here, always have, too late for you to get here the way I did! But I do believe this is written right here on this website. Just go to the movi...
Just don't go looking for drugs, then get robbed by the dealer and then run around saying you were mugged. You weren't. You caused it yourself! Hate w...
Rooms to Go is the same as in the states, I believe. Have not visited it as yet. Just remembered another. Jane would kill me! Mango Tango 777.3060...
> 1) How do I get my car to St. John? I had a thought that I > might be able to load up my car, drive it to Florida (we're > from CT) and then put...