Noble Member
Joined: March 8, 2005 2:10 am
Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Topics: 29 / Replies: 2230
Re: any grocery type stores on st john?

Yes, there are several. The best bet being Starfish Market in Marketplace and another named Dolphin Supermarket in Cruz Bay. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: Wireless Phone

I would highly recommend a Sprint phone over Cingular. Cingular's service is not up to par as yet, although they have been here almost the longest. Yo...

20 years ago
Re: premove visit

Why not tell us all Native Son? That's the purpose of the board to share. Right now rooms are hard to find in St. Croix. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: commute to UVI

Your best bet is to take the ferry to town.The first one arrives at 8 AM. Catch a dollar ride to the University, they are very frequent and that's as ...

20 years ago
Re: building codes...

Not sure that they have it on the net, but these guys can get you there! Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: Need Advice

I am sure that one more wouldn't hurt. Lots of different services since there are so many villas to clean. They are building more villas so they will ...

20 years ago
Re: ATM's in cruz bay...anyone?

It's still there and there is another bank at Marketplace that has one also. There are tons more independent ones all over town as well, including the...

20 years ago
Re: Construction/Homebuilding Jobs

Building is at boon level in STJ. Lots also in STT, you should have no problem whatsoever finding work! Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: Mormon Churches

There should be, there is one on St. Thomas. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: Are ATV's(four wheelers) Road Legal?

I know there was one that was licensed to run in St. John. Have not seen in a while. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: Police Brutality?

That particular story has some missing pieces I can assure you. I do believe however that many cases are being investigated and any improprieties will...

20 years ago
Re: Looking for Eva

I thought there was a shortage of librarians here. Problem is, here we are bombarded by people wanting to move here looking for jobs. The ones that ge...

20 years ago
Re: Hauntings?

Islander I think the building you are talking about now houses the State Historic Preservation Offfice. May have been Dr. Knud Hansen's house or offic...

20 years ago
Re: A Rant About Development

Trying not to jump in on this but I do have a few corrections. First of all Botany Bay by no means is the prettiest beach on St. Thomas. Prettiest roc...

20 years ago
Re: Need to live near the Ferry in STT

The hotel has free ferry for workers in the morning. No need for a commuter booklet! Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: Hauntings?

I only now of two haunted houses in St. Thomas. Not including Goevrnment House of course! Dr. Saunders', the vet, office has been known to be haunte...

20 years ago
Re: wanna hear something funny?

Trouble is, this is common. There are some places that do know who and where we are. Try Penney's to start with, as well as They both ship...

20 years ago
Re: earthquake??

Yes, That was the sound. Chances are if your wall cracked, the water would just leak out. I think they are strong enough to withstand most anything! ...

20 years ago
Re: earthquake??

Yes, it was. Pretty loud too! Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: fresh fish...

You can exist on local fish, as some locals do. However, by doing this you may become susceptable to fish poisoning. Ciquetera sp? is a toxin in the f...

20 years ago
Re: Best Rental Car Deal is ?

Budget and Avis have great online specials I hear. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: short term rental leading to a long-term rental

Don: Villa Fairview that is, and the number is 866 502.2277.

20 years ago
Re: health certificates to work?

In St. Thomas you can get your test done at a regular lab for $10 and egt it back same morning. The clinic at the hospital charges $17 and takes two d...

20 years ago
Re: President Truman's Visit to the USVI

One article I read said that when the President's chaffeur saw the roads over here, he opted out. My Uncle's chaffeur drove. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: President Truman's Visit to the USVI

Good stuff FOG. I have a picture of him that I found on Ebay at Drakes Seat! There he was sitting in my father's '48 White Packard convertible, with h...

20 years ago
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