Noble Member
Joined: March 8, 2005 2:10 am
Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Topics: 29 / Replies: 2230
Re: It isn't a style - it's a way of life!!!!

Nice of you to surface! What have you guys decided to do? You missed another good Taste of STX! Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: Utility Company?

Here's their link. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: best cell service in STJ?

Depends on where you will be. They both vary. I know Sprint works better over at the Westin and Cingular does not. Free long distance is up to your p...

20 years ago
Re: STJ Restaurant...Still There?

Cafe Wahoo. No, not that anymore. It's now called The Balcony. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: We want to retire on an island!

AH, the Daily News with their wonderful reporting! After stating the man was stabbed in a fight, he becomes the sixth shooting victim! Wonder if they ...

20 years ago
Re: Onika, guess what?

It's what I was told yesterday. Will try and find out who they are and exact dates. I know that the art gallery downstairs has elected to close for tw...

20 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1198
Re: wall ( Murphy ) beds

Going over on Monday. Will ask around. Ronnie

20 years ago

Yes, Mr Mosley is putting out the current tenants to rent to a friend of his! Causing quite a stir! Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: permits to start self employed business

You can actually apply on line now and have it in a week or so. At least that's what the Commisioner says! Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: Swimming pool on STT?

That one is waiting for some more funding to finish. That is a private concern, actually the VI Swimming Federation as mentioned before! I hear there ...

20 years ago
Re: Help! Anyone know a steel drum player?

Aben Marrero 340 715-3377. Really good! Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: line dancing? haha

If I don't find out something sooner, the Texas Chili Cookoff is in September and I believe it is done there! Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: line dancing? haha

I know there was one lady that organized them. Have not heard about it lately. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: Swimming pool on STT?

Years ago there were two public pools. One in Savan and one in Long Bay. They went the way of most all Government projects. They build stuff then don'...

20 years ago
Re: STT Cleaning business????

Typically the villa rental companies parcel out their work to various cleaners. They try not to overwhelm any one group or person. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: is it possible?

Teresa, reading it again, it makes more sense. Some of the words jumped around before! Amy, don't wait too late, you need to reserve at lease 3-...

20 years ago
Re: wall ( Murphy ) beds

Who is the contrator? You know, for my files. Could be a good idea for the rooms at the villa! Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: is it possible?

Amy, what do ou mean that Villa Fairview is more than you are looking for? You won't find anyything for less around here until you find a roommate to ...

20 years ago
Re: wall ( Murphy ) beds

I have never seen them for sale anywhere. That's something you may have to ship in. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: 111 Degrees In Phoenix today.

Nice balmy day here. 86 degrees, breezes blowing. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: shipping requirements

Customs requires that all new goods of foreign manufacture be declared upon entry. You need to keep a list of these items with their receipts and valu...

20 years ago
Re: shippting from stt to stx

It does a circuitous routeso to speak. SJ-STT-STX-STT-SJ. I got something on it that I bought at Wayne James Mahogany Auction in STX earlier this year...

20 years ago
Re: Tutu Park Mall

Two KMarts! 340 774.4046 and 340 777.3847. Ronnie

20 years ago
Re: shippting from stt to stx

There is another, the Norma H. What puzzles me is that things are cheaper in St. Croix! You should price before buying in St. Thomas. People buy car...

20 years ago
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