Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
No, I was too young then! He spent most of his time at The Carib Beach where Mr. Dowling regaled him with guest stories. I could do that easily these ...
Yes, he spent many a night with local hoteliers gathering info for his book! It kind of prepares you for island life! RL
It was first phase for a new overpss going in. Gov. Schnieder could not get federal funding to fix the flood problem without building the bridge. The ...
No need to take the exam anymore, they just issue you a new license now if you hold a stateside license! RL
Yes, there are. I am sure you will see them practicing on the fields once you locate them. In St Thomas they play a lot by the University and sometime...
Yes, still accurate. RL
As well as some regular cargo boats. Check with the Boynes Transportation System in St John, occasionally they move some trailers and cars to STX. The...
Yes, it is currently in use in PR and they are trying to assure that people from St Thomas can get to the Ag fair that weekend. There is no guarantee ...
Firstly the 'dollar ride' fare is not a regulated fare. They operate outside the law. They allow them to operate to suppleent the lacking bus system ...
Lola, if you want to ask about culture, why not ask? Don't think there is anything cultural about murders and drugs if you ask me. I am sure and know ...
I was at the airport at 10 pm, picking up a guest, on the last flight from Miami, once . There was this guy with a large pet carrier opening the door ...
STT-STX maybe next month. Car ferry to STJ was most recently $42 RT I think. RL
The owners have opted out of doing all the improvements necessary for Coast Guard approval, so it's no longer going to be around unless you want to bu...
Unfortunately sometimes they guestimate the bill for a month or two and then take and actual and it shows up big. A practice done for years by the met...
And the new place, the third one, will not be opening, as well as their restaurant in the Grand Hotel. RL
You on some sort of treasure hunt?LOL. No idea, sorry. RL
Try NACO Restaurant Supplies at Four Winds. They may have what you are looking for! RL
I have an address in Miami at They forward stuff to me as well. RL
Try this place. It's walking distance. RL
Contact this lady. She is a memeber! Her name is Judy. RL
More news on the ferry. Apparently it has no left as I was told last week! RL
Leslie Caron's brother lives next door to me and she comes to visit from time to time. We have had many over time that lived here as well as owned h...
It supposedly left for the VI on the 14th. Should be around in a week or so. Coast Guard approval could take anther one or two weeks makin the ETA aro...
I found a nice furniture place in the Bovoni Center. First store on the right. They had some free standing wooden shelves. RL PS STT. I don'...
Let's get something straight. We local folk don't pay any bribes. It's those that come here that hear it's the only way to do business and offer to pa...