Noble Member
Joined: March 8, 2005 2:10 am
Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Topics: 29 / Replies: 2230

Now now EE. Lou is an honorable person! RL

19 years ago
Re: rude

I told you I wasn't trying to be crass. No need for your comment about putting your but on the line for me. You don't know who I am. You asked a quest...

19 years ago
Re: I am a veteran and us the VA. What is the quickest way to get to P. Rico to the hospital?

Not to sound crass or anything but you could stay where you are. If it is a 'pay you back when you get there' thing, this is the place you have opted ...

19 years ago
Re: transporting a dog from states

I believe that Four Star cargo transports dogs. RL

19 years ago
Re: I have a hard time with this a problem?

Hard card. It's when someone takes your wife or girlfriend. You have gotten carded! Accents are difficult to understand, yes. Takes a trained ear. T...

19 years ago
Re: Looking for a 3 bed, 2 bath and tell me about Cisterns

Yes, it can be a cause for disputes! Which island are you coming to? RL

19 years ago
Re: STT Carnival Village Opens Tonight

Yes, the Kiddie Village opened tonight. The Adult Village will be on Monday, however, some may open earlier and are not hassled! Manno was shot at h...

19 years ago
Re: Villa Fairview / Islandview Guest House

I do not own Island View. It is above Sub Base. I also own The Crystal Palace. Thanks. RL

19 years ago
Re: STT Carnival Village Opens Tonight

Village opens on Monday night as usual. RL

19 years ago
Re: laws on guns?

Technially, unless they have changed the law, you have 24 hours to deposit the guns at an authorized firearms dealer (preferred) or the police departm...

19 years ago
Re: cleaning service

ABC Sales and Service 340 774-1073. Also Eddie St. Aimee. 340 775-0426. His group cleans houses in St. Thomas for McLaughlin-Anderson Villas. He may b...

19 years ago
Re: looking for Kelly

It's at the Divi. Saw it this week! 773-9700. RL

19 years ago
Re: jobs

No, he operates boats on lakes and rivers. I do believe if that is correct, that he will need an ocean license once he is here. One of my former tenan...

19 years ago
Re: off the plane than what!

Thanks for the compliment. Nxce seeing you guys at tHe Taste of St. Croix Thursday night! Glad to see all going well. RL

19 years ago
Re: Bartender SOS

Truthfully, you shouldn't walk home with pockets full of money. You are asking to become a statistic. Jobs are always plentiful around here. RL

19 years ago
Re: B & B on St Croix

Bed and Happy Hour? RL

19 years ago
Re: Artwork by Dove

There was one at auction at last year's Whim Antique Auction but none this year. I guess you have to keep your eyes and ears open. RL

19 years ago
Re: status of old resort on STT

Yes, currently there is a team from Intercontinental Hotels in the process of buying, and hopefully will be open in time for season. RL

19 years ago
Re: Trying to adjust

Well let me say a few things. First of all Little bleu does exist. He lives at Villa Fairview which I own. If you condside this to be ghetto, I don't ...

19 years ago
Re: Getting a bit discouraged )-:

I would double check the health insurance. No reason why it shouldn't work here. Sometimes the people you speak to at the insurance company about the ...

19 years ago
Re: crime in usvi

No one is on denial but you! You are part of the problem!! RL

19 years ago
Re: crime in usvi

BTW. The first article you refered to the shooting of Stephen Hodge. I don't see any link to where his 4 killers were apprehended and tried and convic...

19 years ago
Re: crime in usvi

You are not anonymous. You should know you can be traced through your ISP and maybe the same people you fear retribution from can find you. Secon...

19 years ago
Re: crime in usvi

You say: What can I do against the police force? ' What about the Attorney General's office? Maybe the FBI. Surely they will be interested in tak...

19 years ago
Re: crime in usvi

noone said " - I have personally witnessed a murder that the police were involved in and they covered up." So, what did you do to see to it that ...

19 years ago
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