Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
I have been to Roatan and have thought it to be a nice place to escape to. Having been there as a tourist on a cruise obvilously has a disadvatage. I ...
And he sure changed that store around. Seems to be better now! RL
Mike, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Sorry for your loss. Ronnie
Kyle is in St John. He may get his mail at Connections. You can check with them. RL
Did any one feel one tonight? Around 9:30? Have not seen anything reported yet! RL
Those were good, weren't they Richard? That was a good shake this morning. It didn't last that long by me, about 15 seconds maybe? RL
Go to Budget Car Rental. They sometimes have Jeeps available for sale. Always a deal to be had there. RL
What do you do to help? I hear that the PD has volunteers that come in and do some desk work to free up the officers to do criminal work. That could b...
These days they need as much help as they can get! Case in point the Assistant Commissioner who is here from the states! Within an election year stran...
He knows not what he speaks of. For instance, the majority of the lawyers in the Attorney General's office are statesiders. LIkewise the District Atto...
SO, islandnurse, I wonder what your agenda is in bring this subject up? I t has been discussed in so many posts before. I don't understand. RL
I saw an ad today for an auto auction is St Croix, this weekend I think. Have to look for it again. RL
That's They ship here; I buy most of my shoes from them. You can also use the 'new' chef's shoe Crocs. They are readily available here as w...
They say so but I have never done it. Never noticed any difference in the water that was collected. RL
That's St Croix for those of you who may be interested. RL
Yes, Liz is still here and at Catholic, she works nights as hostess at Shipwreck. And Your Buddy Stephon as well! He was at the All Saints graduatio...
SO many Lizzes and Stephs. Which do you speak of? Ronnie
The Geo Tracker is actually a Suzuki Sidekick which there are ton of here as well as a dealership with parts! RL
Welcome back! I would ask your supplier who they would recommend. I used to sell those things and had a list of guys I would highly recommend and co...
Yes. The majority of the cars on island are two wheel.Plenty of 2 wheel trackers around. RL
It was running today! RL
There is a Micky D's in Frenchtown, right next to the seaplane and a Wendy's in Int'l Plaza where the Hard Rock used to be. Burger King left after Hug...
How about lemon juice? Shout always works for me! RL
Home Depot as well. RL