Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Molly, First Bank gives you a Visa check card. RL
You didn't look good enough. Both the front and back page of the Dailey News was al about Timmy and the Spurs. RL
I want you to go home and ask your husband what he thinks about your telling everyone out here that he is an agent and apparently talks business with ...
The Enid L. Baa Library is located on Main Street downtown. You need ID and local references to get a card. RL
What does Betty do? Why doesn't she help to expose these corrupt politicians she knows so much about? So many times I have read "Now my husband is a f...
It is an online paper.
The way people are talking about rust here on the island is bunk. If it were so we would all be driving rust buckets everyday. If you live right on th...
Usually it's due to the outside temperature before leaving. There is a certain temperature that is too hot to allow animals to travel in the hold. ...
Sill girl. Thanks. BTW, my sister beat you with a wake up call by a half hour this AM! RL
Asian Fusion!
Well, they are back on track now. The guy in jail embezzled the funds hence no pick ups! RL
The only local one that won't give a waiver is Channel 8, ABC. RL
Lotus is excellent. I can't say anything about a steak though. All I ate there was their sushi type offerings. RL EE, those weren't alterati...
Patricia LaCorte started Fiddle Leaf in the Safari building on back street. There is a big fiddle leaf tree in the courtyard, hence the name. She move...
Never heard anything like that before! Like the bottom dropping out!! RL
Plenty of info right here! Just click on Virgin Islands Moving Center top left. Lots of FAQs and some moving stories. Quite worth the read! RL
Was a strange one too! Sounded like an explosion. Earthquake Activity City Anna's Retreat, US Virgin Islands Distance to Epicenter 17 ...
What about rain fade? I get that when there are storms passing. RL
Yes, there are several! RL
Ackley offers many more levels of service. You can submit a query here:
Hilarious! Guess they use the same instruments. Must be broken! RL
There are all sorts of cars here, you name it. There are mechanics that can fix them as well. Parts can be overnighted once you find a good source. Th...
Yes, he is Austrian but, he, in a few weeks, will be relinquishing the running of the restaurant to his partner Brian. I mentioned it to him. You ca...