Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Sorry. Have to do something!! I have not heard any else other than what I said before. Anybody elde? RL
Thank God also for satellite dishes!! RL
Hopefully their ice hasn't melted!! RL
Some may take a large cash deposit before renting. Try the non franchise ones. RL
Doesn't work? Thank God for my generator! Cold A/C!! RL
Seems like a big something or the other down there. Lots of firetrucks and two ambulances I have seen so far! RL
Still have some available! Ronnie
I know there are Soccer teams. Have never heard anything about Rugby. RL
And the NPS will only allow their approved concessions! If they don't think it will fit, they won't allow it. RL
The NPS has concessions with everything that goes on in the park. Each one is only granted for a year and expire on the 31st of December of every year...
Could be, don't remember the name or maybe it wasn't mentioned. Did say downtown C'sted though. Read some reviews on Trip Advisor. How can she still e...
I once saw an add in the real estate magazine for a place that did do it in Christiansted. Don't remember the name! I have not seen it in a long time....
Of course now I did a little research and see it was you. Again. Keep up the good work. RL
This is why I offer a place like Villa Fairview for short term rental. It gives you a month to find a place. You will not be strapped with the high co...
If that is another word for propane, yes. Propane is readily available. Plenty of propane run vehicles around. RL
U talking about yourself promo? Or me? RL
Most folks have cell phones as well. Most have free long distance. Besides, long distance is so inexpensive these days that if looking for a job and i...
Here is one that is offered here on STT: RL
Guess they really weren't that interested! RL
I can't help you much, as it was not my choice to move here! I was born here. You can click on the top of the page on the Moving Center. There you wi...
My dog would not go in the house. She understands and will hold it in until it's time. At least that's what she did during Marilyn! RL
I pretty much offer as much help that I can to my incoming tenants. I do not charge for this service. The reason I offer extended stay at Villa Fairvi...