Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Would be easy to call the regulating agency and ask to see the regulation. You can take it from there if it is a scam. RL
Termite nest or trails? RL
Sorry, I have two cars in mine! We have several storage units on the island. RL
Will be difficult as we have no manufacturing plants here. There is a machine shop or two. RL
You haven't seen mine! Some places do have them.There are six I know of in my neighborhood. RL
I have seen them at the auction at Whim. Hopefully they will have one(auction) this year. Wayne James has some in his collection. Not sure if he is se...
Richard, my point is that had he been suspected of being the shooter, he would have been charged with murder. If he is connected, then he is an access...
The man was not the shooter. He was the driver. He contends that he gave the guy a lift. Question is why did he abandon his car and run home after th...
Never heard of it. Most are affiliated with stateside unions like the Steelworkers. RL
Innovations by Design in Berne's Alley. That's the one across fro the Catholic church on main street. You enter on the waterfront before the Holiday I...
Was wondering what happened to you! I still have your charger. Ronnie
Who?, Hillary Clinton, where?, St Thomas, how?, by plane, why?, because Obama is coming?, when?, soon. When I hear a date I will say. It's just what I...
I understand Hillary is coming as well to have her own fundraiser! RL
340 778.3900 RL
Welcome! You have come to the right place. There is loads of info here. You can find some FAQs above under VI Moving Center. Your husband should hav...
snapper, I guess I should have put NugBazer in my remarks. He was the one talking about West Indians, not you, that I can recall. Now you say they are...
How presumptuous of you to make such a statement about your burglars being West Indian. Would you report to the police a suspicious truck of white peo...
Don't you guys have neighborhood watches? RL
Which island?
Try Home Again in Red Hook. They usually have these sorts of things. RL
They have people that check them for them.Maybe we should be contacting their office administrators? RL
I was told by a Senator on Saturday night that there are 10 strong no votes already, so I hope this works!! RL
Hooter's has a start up crew of management and girls. They are called Hooter's openers. They will train the new employees. One or two may stay until i...