Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
I am still confused aschultz, what do you mean 'both'? "It use three time the electricity when they are both on." RL
You can get a really nice bottle of guavaberry at Cost U Less for $5.49! It's made in the DR. Not the one made in St Maarteen. That one is not as good...
It was in the papers today as well. RL
Well, she did it! She has signed on to take over the old Noche,/Las Brisas, where she began at Bar Normadie many moons ago! RL
Look in one of those small stores in Frenchtown. Start at Monsieur Creole or La Belle Creole or next door at Winnie's. They usually have that sort of ...
You're getting there. The is no apostrophe as well. Sort of like Jones Beach, Magens Bay! You will learn these things grasshopper. As well White Bay!
Looks good so far! For the phone would have been easier to just walk in here and have it changed over! Another small note. I like your spelling of C...
Sort of a coming out party for the Senior class. RL
I want to put in my 2 cents on the powder thing. Years ago we called a 'Spanish' when someone or even myself doused cologne on and went out with out a...
You need to take a stool sample in to be tested for parasites. I recommend going to the Cranston-Dottin lab in Altona, behind the Banco Popular, next ...
I am close enough. Sorry. RL
Yes, cha cha is the name she was referring to. RL
Here's the answer I got back from Per Nielsen, Danish historian. The Danes is my answer. There were ruins of some buildings from the French, but ...
I was in Frenchtown where it shook for quite some time. Longest I have ever felt. RL
She may have to take the test. As long as you move here you must get a locl license within three months.Yes, I know, some folks don't but it's the law...
You will need a local license if you become a resident. You must do this in 90 days. RL
Would take you about a half hour to go to UVI, maybe more on the way back. Depending on tourist activity. RL
Dutch West INDIA Company?!! LOL
My recollection of Willem Usselinex was that he did come to St Croix, found no interest in establishing a colony and moved on to found New York. Stil...
Lizard. I doubt that on me would use a travel web site for historical information. Many times the Dutch West Indies comes up as folks see DWI and assu...
The original owner showed up to claim it. Lost him 15 years ago! Was about a foot long when he lost him! This I was told today by the guy from the Hum...
Lizard, I was pointing out that it was Danish not Dutch. I slipped and put Indian the same way you originally wrote Indies. We call The West Indian Co...
That would be The Danish West Indian Company. RL
Take your pick. Everything in Denmark was named after two kings. Christian and Frederick. Same goes here. There is also King' s Street over there as w...
It's twice a month. You can leave here on Friday afternoon and return Saturday, Sunday or Monday morning. Inge call Transportation Services in St John...