Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Rooms available now again! Website up and running Ronnie
I would think she meant public schools. RL
BJ has been in business for many years. She is a former President of the Realtors Association. I believe they can be trusted. RL
Onika. Sabrina's way s the way I was explained it at Pampered Pause in St John. RL
Kind of what I said. But 778 is STX. RL
Your question is pretty broad. Or do you mean the business St John Properties? RL
That's not your number lest you live at Blackbeard's LOL Way back when they first changed over the phones to the 7 digit system it went like this...
You guys are too kind. Another Shallow Hal. RL
Maybe if she was single. Her husband is a big guy!! LOL RL
No, I believe where that you can get one is the question . I had an education in it not eduction! RL
Aren't those two different kinds? Had an eduction at Pampered Pause in St John as to the difference. 779-4820 RL
Thanks Donna, I found out the name yesterday! RL
Only thing is with the old one, they finally are storing all your info, so no need to do the interview again. RL
Power outages happen sporadically. Don't really keep tabs on them. If yours was off and your neighbor's on, chances are your didn't pay your bill and...
Would be easier for me if they said what as bugging them so we don't have to read between the lines. Are they talking about their boss?landlord?store ...
Post came too late. I sold my tickets today as i can't get away! Sorry. RL
There is Ed that bakes for Quality Food. He makes a killer one. RL
There is a church on the bottom of Donkey Hill in Bolongo that has youth activities including a bowling alley! RL
FYI, the trees at Mahogany Run are still there. If you look form above you will see them. The road ran between them. It was a pleasant drive. Now the ...
Thanks Paul. Bring your camera!! RL
The trees will be in the median. RL
They were to remove all the trees. This is the end result of a compromise. A whole section of building has to be removed to accommodate this. RL
I think it's been done already. Was in the news some time back. Also in the making will be a stamp for 2017 for the 100th anniversary of the transfer....
I thought there was draught beer around. I know I have seen the spigots. RL
The ferry runs $90 RT and around 90 minutes. You can get the sea plane (18 minutes) from about $140 up t0 $180 RT. Commercial rate is about $135 RT ...