Noble Member
Joined: March 8, 2005 2:10 am
Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Topics: 29 / Replies: 2230
Re: Get Junk cars off the islands

You know limiting the amount of cars a person owns won't work. Nothing to be silly about. Your Administrator needs to get going and start picking up t...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

That's their problem, they need a job. Then maybe they can finance their struggle by themselves and leave the Government's coffers out of it.

17 years ago
Re: Get Junk cars off the islands

Don't know about STX, but they do haul them away over here on STT and do send them off island to PR I think. I have seen over twenty trailers filled w...

17 years ago

While to me the mall may have been a preferred location, he could have found a less expensive place to rent. He never had any restaurant experience th...

17 years ago
Re: Coconut telegraph

I heard the VI got a gold medal at the Olympics.

17 years ago
Re: storm watch

It's not even a tropical depression yet. It's just a disturbance. Probably will be after it passes us or when it arrives here. There will be some ran ...

17 years ago
Re: Anyone seen these vehicles running around the islands anywhere?

Contact Doug White,architect. He had one and was trying to register it as a neighborhood car

17 years ago
Re: Looking for ceramic tile

what does it look like? I have few that size that look like saltillo.

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Pretty much right on trw but I think he knew what he was coming to, he visited often and is informed. Trade Don Buchanan of the Energy Office stat...

17 years ago
Re: STT Today,comments

And they had one in Old San Juan as well!

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

I wouldn't doubt that all the semi-autonomous agencies will be audited now! I had three house I was paying electricity on in '02 for a total of $1,800...

17 years ago
Re: FORCE 10 Homes???

They have been building them in St John and St Thomas for at least 8 years. Never heard anything bad about them.

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Fat salary? So the guy takes a pay cut from where he is working to come home and try and fix what has been screwed up over the years and they give him...

17 years ago
Re: Traveler's Cheques

They treat them as an off island check. At least my two banks do. Funny thing though, when I deposit them and stateside checks to make a payment on o...

17 years ago
Re: What to do when you first arrive? 9 more days!!!

I use spray insulfoam that comes in cans to seal some doors where water has a tendency to ooze in. eng you can add this to your list

17 years ago
Re: Innovative DSL-Don't Do It!

I have an Ackley/Broadband VOIP as well as our Historical Trust office, no problems!

17 years ago
Re: Traveler's Cheques

You may have to wait if you deposit them. Not sure about the cashing. Best to put your money in an account you can access by ATM card.

17 years ago
Re: Innovative DSL-Don't Do It!

I know. I had it once as well. BroadbandVI for me. Formally Ackley in STT.

17 years ago
Re: STT Today,comments

That little corner right where the phones are. You pass it when coming in the gate while heading to baggage claim. He sell souvenirs as well and his c...

17 years ago
Re: STT Today,comments

Where do you want me to start? Charlie was the barber in the airport and he is still there in the new one as we speak! Flamboyant Hotel was razed to...

17 years ago
Re: Humane Society Location STT

Immediately behind the 'bridge to nowhere' next to the race track. They should be moving pretty soon to across from Market Square East.

17 years ago
Re: stt po box

.....or the Post Office

17 years ago
Re: True Rat Story

Found out I was feeding them. Sat in my kitchen one day and counted 15 of them running around the yard! Between the dog's food and bird seed from my a...

17 years ago
Re: No Option for VI as the State in the New Address

Most times you can scroll down in countries and find Virgin Islands US. Typically for me if there is no VI on the drop down, I just delete what ever I...

17 years ago
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