Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Yes, when the Peace Corps was here in the 60s, that was the location that was used.
Hooters has all you can eat wings on Mondays for $9.99. Also try the reopened Domino's. Very good service, they even have the newly advertised state...
It's just part of the system that has been hovering over us the last week or so.
They have an owl at Sea Chest that you can hang to keep them away. They are flying rats!
I think both are gross. Agree, I use Food Center.
They call it August Monday as it's the first Monday in August!
Good luck! In those days the Japanese cars were pretty much rust buckets around here due to the salt air. It will be a miracle if you find one!
Contact the Landmark's Society for the guy they use. Can't remember his name.
Since I don't memorize where posters are from, which island?
No one moving this summer?
One day of the year and they complain. Always when something is good for STX, they don't want it. What do they really want?
We do!!
Have not seen the request Christina.
Did you sell it?
There are plenty of stories already written here. Just click on "what to expect" above and you will see. Which island as well?
You sure that's not 15,000 BTUs? 1500 I have never heard of, the tiniest have been 7000 or 8000 that I have ever seen before.
Should be no problem. Fill out the form on the website for starters.
It's on the job training. If you pick someone up that wants to go a specific address I am sure they would tell you the way. We have countless taxi dri...
Cut the legs off 6 inches!!
Still have a few rooms open this and next month! New domain name
Sell it?
There are no taxi cab companies. Each one is individually owned. There are some older drivers that lease their plates to newcomers. I would say that a...
The car you 'registered' in March was probably just transferred to your name because it expires in May. In May you ned to register it for the year end...
I may have two as well to sell. Will know for sure in the AM.
If it were broken, wouldn't one send it off for repair?