Noble Member
Joined: March 8, 2005 2:10 am
Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Topics: 29 / Replies: 2230
Re: FBI raids legislature building

Was there last night for a Committee of the Whole meeting where only 6 of 15 were there at roll call. Later became 8. Of the 3 excused absences, one w...

13 years ago
Re: Ice Palace

Yes EE, when she came before us at the Historic Preservation Commission, it was one of our concerns, and she said she did all of her homework. It soun...

13 years ago
Re: Ice Palace

She has one back home and says the power costs more in Norway?

13 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 682
Replies: 1
Views: 782
Re: FBI raids legislature building

And that Ronnie wants to spend our money to find out if what thy did was legal. Come on Ronnie. You are a lawyer, you should know. And yes, the lawyer...

13 years ago
Re: roof racks for a Jeep Wrangler

This is who I used when I owned Jeeps.

13 years ago
Re: FBI raids legislature building

So, today's Daily News reports that Ronnie Russell is thinking about seeking outside counsel to see if the Feds can do what they did!! Does he some so...

13 years ago
Re: FBI raids legislature building

So, there are your opinions garylloyd?

13 years ago
Re: troy weiss

Don't want to argue with you on this thread Bob but, it's a known fact, you can't run away from something that is inside.Has to be dealt with internal...

13 years ago
Re: FBI raids legislature building

No, she was the one that busted him after she hired the new girl and fired her! She went on the radio and told everyone about it to which he answered ...

13 years ago
Re: troy weiss

Yes, geographic changes don't work.

13 years ago
Re: FBI raids legislature building

Apparently he hired someone at a $50k salary thereabouts to take his course and tests at University of Phoenix online to get a degree. She was not all...

13 years ago
Re: Donate to families affected by Mondays Fire

Call the Red Cross. They were on the scene helping.

13 years ago
Re: turtle found east end STX

The tortoises have commitment issues. As long as they can go, they will! Most around here are South American Red Footted Tortoises. There are also yel...

13 years ago
Re: Good STT celebratory lunch spot?

And depending on when, parking could be an issue for downtown restaurants. Virgilio's has been closed for cleaning. Don't know their reopening date. C...

13 years ago
Re: Customer Service

Just remember to say good morning, good afternoon and goo night. This gets you in the door. Unfortunately some take it as an affront as to not proceed...

13 years ago
Re: Good STT celebratory lunch spot?

Bella Blu of course! Was called Alexander's. Now referred to as Alexander's Bella Blu, From a write up. Hobnob with the island's movers and sha...

13 years ago
Re: Repair to flat roof

Top Coat is what most use in STT.

13 years ago
Re: Video Production on St John

People tend to ignore email requests and are more apt to be responsive to those that are on island, as she may not be the only one with the same idea.

13 years ago
Re: Blue Collar and Service Sector

Skilled workers always find jobs. Service industry or not!

13 years ago
Re: Wish me luck. I'm gonna do it!!

I agree with Juanita. While there are several tour operators here that could use your expertise, January is the actual beginning of the most active mo...

13 years ago
Re: Sibilly Elementary? If we move 5 mins away, can we get in?

I thought placement was based on proximity to your residence. Sibilly is known to be one of the, if not the best, public schools on island.

13 years ago
Re: Scammers when it comes to apartments

I have seen some of those Craig's List ads. They even showed a fireplace and radiators!!

13 years ago

WAPA 50 kWh? I have figured ours to be around ,45. Nationwide average is .12. PR is .22 and they are complaining. What then should we do?

13 years ago
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