Honorable Member
Joined: January 27, 2008 9:30 am
Last seen: June 5, 2019 12:25 pm
Topics: 52 / Replies: 541
Re: Oil change?

Thanks for the tips. I particularly like the Oil Genie idea!

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 15
Views: 2948
14 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2262
Re: PSA Blood Test

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can just walk into the lab and have a test done. I think it has to be ordered for you by...

14 years ago
Re: Hairstylist/colorist

I pay less on STX (with Joli at Monique's, 2010-2011) for a trim and highlights than I did in Phoenix (2007-2010) or New Orleans (2003-2007). She does...

14 years ago
Re: Hairstylist/colorist

Joli at Monique's!

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1372
Re: Who's got mail? USPS woes...

How long will the post office hold your mail if there's overflow from your box when you're off island for an extended time? Is there a rule on that, o...

14 years ago
Re: airfares

That's pretty darn cheap, considering. I'm assuming you've checked various airlines and sites like orbit, kayak, etc. The only other thing I know to r...

14 years ago
Re: New Library

I would have thought libraries would be one of the world's least controversial subjects. Wow. 😮

14 years ago
Re: Dog Training Classes STX

SunnyCaribe, that's a good point. Cesar Milan (the "dog whisperer") says that he trains people and rehabilitates dogs. His show is worth watching for ...

14 years ago
Re: Dog Training Classes STX

Aww, congratulations on your new pup! I'm sorry I can't answer your question about training classes, but I do know of a great book. It's called "The P...

14 years ago
Re: So Cal Kid moving to VI

From "Finally in 1947, the Armstrong family, who had owned and operated the cattle estate since 1922, opened The Buccaneer for business with elev...

14 years ago
Re: Help a Crucian learn about St. Thomas.

Thank you for posting this! I'm excited to see people's responses. Can't add anything of my own, as I live on STX and have never been to STT. I'd be c...

14 years ago
Re: what's happening on STT this weekend

Pamela, if I lived on STT, I'd drag you out of your house for some fun next weekend. I hope someone there will!

14 years ago
Re: Bike Riding

Hasn't there been a bike trail approved along the south shore? If you're staying long term, I'd bring 'em if you enjoy bike riding. If this...

14 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Yes, the ice cream at Rowdy Joe's is great! I'm glad they're doing more "normal" (yet not boring!) flavors now. Around the holidays, they got into som...

14 years ago
Re: special ed services for kids

This isn't specific to special ed services, but in general, I've found that I have more luck if I just keep calling until someone answers. It seems li...

14 years ago
Re: Left turn on red arrow

What'd ya expect from a Driver's Ed class that teaches about "left angles". Don't even get me started on the Cruzan Phonecall. IT Well,...

14 years ago
Re: Planned Parenthood in the V.I.

It sounds like this person might be eligible for Medicaid, WIC, etc. It's worth looking into in order to give this baby a good start in life.

14 years ago
Re: Clearing and planting new land

It sounds like you're way ahead of me, EngRMP -- I think I saw in another post that you're already working on the design of the house! But yes, I woul...

14 years ago
Re: Clearing and planting new land

SunnyCaribe, I tried to Google Samidia, but I had no luck. Would you please describe it a bit more? Or maybe it has another name under which I can fin...

14 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 3859
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