Honorable Member
Joined: January 27, 2008 9:30 am
Last seen: June 5, 2019 12:25 pm
Topics: 52 / Replies: 541
Re: Panhandlers

My goodness, I'm embarrassed by what looks like my terrible grammar. That should have read "these men," of course!

13 years ago
Re: Panhandlers

Two dolla man! He's persistent. I've seen him stand his ground in the face of 4 dogs and a machete.' As annoying as they are, I've never heard of...

13 years ago
Re: Any informaiton on the Leap in STX?

It's not a difficult to reach area... it's on Mahogany Road, which was repaved relatively recently. The actual driveway might not be very welcoming, b...

13 years ago
Re: Changing address for property tax bill - STX

Thanks for your help. I'll call asap. For those who are still seeing your bill go to the old owner or old address, how do you go about paying you...

13 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1221
Re: Customer Service

I wonder if this is more a age issue than a VI issue. Last time I was in the states I was appalled at the attitude of some of the younger people in t...

13 years ago
Re: Help My tooth is killing me....

Dr. Gray is awesome! Friendly guy and totally up to date on dental care.

14 years ago
Re: Late Night Muggings at Gov't Lot in C'Sted

Crime happens at all hours of the day and night, in all sorts of places. Yes, it tends to happen more often to young women who are alone at night, but...

14 years ago
Re: Late Night Muggings at Gov't Lot in C'Sted

A young female alone at night. Not really a bright idea. Why does our society just accept the fact that it's not a good idea for a woman to walk ...

14 years ago
Re: What is the lowest price for a bottle of Cruzan light or dark 1.75L rum??

I don't remember exact numbers, but the best prices always seem to be at the Cruzan distillery itself.

14 years ago
Re: Help with the VI property tax bill…..STX

Thanks for your help, IslandHops. It looks like I may have a bit of a mess on my hands since I'm off island for quite some time.... but at least I can...

14 years ago
Re: Help with the VI property tax bill…..STX

When do property tax bills generally come out? I haven't gotten anything yet... but I just bought my property in February of this year.

14 years ago
Re: Best way to get to Jack/Issac Bay?

Leave your car unlocked, with nothing in it, anywhere on STX. I agree. I always do this in questionable areas and have had no problem at all. So ...

14 years ago
Re: Things to bring or buy on island?

If you're planning to rent, there are some rentals (usually part of a larger house) that have a generator. That, in my opinion, is a reason to rent a ...

14 years ago
Re: Employment for Nurse on St Croix

Even though you're not temporary, I wonder if it might help to get your foot in the door using a travel nursing company? Many of the nurses at the hos...

14 years ago
14 years ago
Re: Traveling with your pet to St. Croix

I learned something yesterday that might be helpful to those who plan to travel frequently with their pets. If you're going somewhere for less than 60...

14 years ago
Re: Doctors DeGraftt-Johnson Leaving ST X

This happens all the time. Off the top of my head, I can think of six other physicians who have left over the past year or will be leaving in July. An...

14 years ago
Re: Shipping

So... you let someone take your stuff away without getting a firm quote first?! *-) I used Fleming's 11 months ago and was thrilled with their se...

14 years ago
Re: Cardiologist on St Croix needed

Cardiology is a field in which you really can't go wrong on St. Croix. ALL of the cardiologists I've come into contact with here (through work, not as...

14 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1050
Re: STX 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom, Judith's Fancy waterfront $1500

Yes, it's still available. A 6-month lease might be possible, but a 12-month lease is preferred. Edited to add: I forgot to mention that it's ful...

14 years ago
Re: STX 2000 Toyota Celica $6000

Dropping the price to $5500...

14 years ago
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