Honorable Member
Joined: January 27, 2008 9:30 am
Last seen: June 5, 2019 12:25 pm
Topics: 52 / Replies: 541
Re: Not like Stateside and thankful

Another quotable comment from Katrina: Reporter: "How do you feel about all the churches that have been destroyed?" New Orleanian: "Oh, it's ok...

15 years ago
Re: Public schools on STX

So sorry to hear this happened. Please do let us know how things turn out. Hope your little guy is doing okay. Neil, I agree about the firing. To...

15 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1173
Re: Small dog friendly housing wanted - STX

Thanks, Patricia, for your reply. If I hadn't already found a place, I'd be calling you for sure! I'll keep you in mind for others who might be lookin...

15 years ago
Re: Alexander Henderson

Awww, hope he's having a great first day!! 🙂

15 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1166
Re: Innovative Tele. # on STJ

Can't help you with the number (sorry), but usually those things take a couple of billing cycles to go into effect... not sure about that particular c...

15 years ago
Re: One of those "this is why I live here" days

Where was the dive? Honestly, I couldn't get back there if I tried. My friend drove, and I was paying more attention to pulling on my wetsuit!

15 years ago
Re: Moving to STJ... Random Q's

The longer I live here, the less I remember what I missed, or wish I'd brought, or what I left behind. Truth is, you can get or order anything y...

15 years ago
Re: Health dept .

Not as young as I once was but I still have the drive. "I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was." (From a country song,...

15 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1610
Re: great police work

I don't mind the traffic stops, either. I also don't mind the ladies of the oldest profession... pointing them out to guests is great entertainment. M...

15 years ago
Re: Moving to STJ... Random Q's

I just went back to the mainland (for other reasons) and brought with me some of the stuff that we found ourselves wishing we'd brought when we moved ...

15 years ago
Re: Moving to St. Croix

I wouldn't do the scooter/dirt bike idea. There are just way too many potholes, blind curves, fast drivers, drunk drivers, etc. Even in my car, I've b...

15 years ago
Re: Shipping a car to St. Croix

My experience was similar to Jumbie's, though I used Flemming's Transport and was very happy with their service. If you have the extra money, it is ab...

15 years ago
Re: Pet Sitting

One of the posters on this board, dcruz218, is a very experienced vet tech who is starting a pet-sitting business out of her home in Frederiksted. I w...

15 years ago
Re: Our stolen car

Sorry to hear about your car, PT... but it's nice to see this board once again coming together to help each other. I'll keep an eye out for your car.

15 years ago
Re: Using shed as studio- good idea or bad- need advice

Something that you might be more likely to get away with, depending on your HOA, would be building a guest house first. A tiny cottage wouldn't take t...

15 years ago
Re: Sailor looking for a seasonal move south many questions

Okay, I'll bite... Sailing? In Montana? As far as your questions go, bring as much money as you can manage to squirrel away. You'll need more tha...

15 years ago
Re: Looking to move and have questions!

Linda's advice is right on. It's expensive to get started here. The only things I've found, so far, that are cheaper to buy here are alcohol, cig...

15 years ago
Re: New Restaurant at ex-Chicken Charlie's

I wish someone would open an Indian restaurant, we already have enough Italian and Steak. I second that. Indian would be great!

15 years ago
Re: Dirt road to Annaly Bay Tide Pools

Why on earth don't people just walk there? It's an absolutely horrible "road," and it's not a long hike at all. I met Wave, the owner of Tan Tan Tours...

15 years ago
Re: Moving to STX

I would check out Queen's Quarter. As far as the Suburban goes... they're great for off-road stuff, but if you're not living way up in the hills, you ...

15 years ago
Re: Music Scene

Craiglist is not being utilized in the VI like it should be. No kidding! I miss Craigslist!

15 years ago
Re: STX car question.

40% Jeeps? Meaning almost half the vehicles on the road are Jeeps? I wouldn't go that far. I think it depends on what part of the island you're lookin...

15 years ago
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