Honorable Member
Joined: January 27, 2008 9:30 am
Last seen: June 5, 2019 12:25 pm
Topics: 52 / Replies: 541
Re: Possibly making the move to Stx 🙂

I gotta be honest: I think it would be cruel to take teenagers from their established lives and move them anywhere, ESPECIALLY here. The islands are...

14 years ago
Re: Thinking about moving.

A scooter is a good way to get yourself killed. Too many blind curves, vegetation growing over the edge of the road, fast drivers, drunk drivers, sudd...

14 years ago
Re: Pop Quiz

Winter clothes are good for plane rides, too, even if you're just going to Florida. On my last flight back here from Phoenix, in August, I brought my ...

14 years ago
Re: Pop Quiz

Despite having lived away from the south, where I grew up, for the past 7 years, I'm still learning about things that are southern. All this time, I t...

14 years ago
Re: Cruzan Rum #9 Spice Rum vs Captain Morgan

I get weird/freaked out when someone orders a Bacardi on STX.....oh the tragedy..... Yes! It's like ordering a Big Mac at Burger King.

14 years ago
Re: SkyMed VI

Edward: Read the small print carefully. Most med evac policies read that they will take you to the nearest facility. That is almost always Puerto Rico...

14 years ago
Re: Pop Quiz

411: Okay, what the heck is "Klass Horchta" mix????:S And how have I lived without it?? I'm guessing horchata... Mexican cinnamon milk stuff. I c...

14 years ago
Re: East End STX

They are constructing a new trail to Jacks ans Issacs from the Pt Udall end. Wide, smooth and it doesn't look like you will have to scramble over the...

14 years ago
Re: New Guy here! Hello. Business move to islands

Blue - I'm in my 30's but no kids - I don't think it's boring at all. But instead of going to Events, concerts, theatre, etc as we did (and spent a lo...

14 years ago

Not to single Carambola out, --I've never seen rip/surf warnings anywhere else on the island. I noticed at the entrance to Judith's Fancy two day...

14 years ago
Re: Banks

My deposits (checks) are always available on the same day at Banco Popular. I take them in person (hoping to stop that hassle soon, when my direct dep...

14 years ago
Re: Banks

It's probably faster to bring cash to open an account. Banco Popular wanted $500 from me. Not sure about the others. I transfer funds all the time, bu...

14 years ago
Re: 340 = Unknown

Ugh, no thanks. I didn't realize it would happen in the other direction as well... not only does no one recognize you, you don't have a clue who's cal...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 24
Views: 3527
Re: YAY! Moving to STT! Need help with home.

Congratulations on the job! You might have to go with a long-term hotel if you don't have the first month's rent and deposit (and often the last month...

15 years ago
Re: Anyone want a workout partner out west?

Oh, THAT's what that is! I saw that last time I had an early flight and couldn't quite figure out it. That's dedication!!

15 years ago
Re: Anyone want a workout partner out west?

If I lived closer and had a more regular schedule, I'd take you up on that, but unfortunately I don't think it would work. 🙁 However, for the d...

15 years ago
Re: Public schools on STX

Seems like you could find a lot of gray area in "reasonable and moderate." Whose definition of those terms are we using, anyway? My definition of "rea...

15 years ago
Re: Moving to St. Thomas

reaader30, where in AZ are you from? We just moved here (STX) from Phoenix a couple of months ago, and I still go back occasionally to work in NE AZ.

15 years ago
Re: Where to Live near University

Just wanted to add my two cents for Juanita's place. In my opinion, it's a great starting point for those who have just moved to STX. I moved here a l...

15 years ago
Re: Being a Midwife in St Thomas

EE: Not cynical. Realistic. They're about as involved in the birthing plan as they were in the birth control plan. Exceptions exist, of course.

15 years ago
Re: Being a Midwife in St Thomas

Most American women, although there are exceptions, want to give birth in a hospital with a board certified Ob/Gyn physician, and bring on the drugs!!...

15 years ago
Re: Public schools on STX

I remember kids being "paddled" when I was in public elementary school in Georgia for 3 years (before moving to another state). My parents told the sc...

15 years ago
Re: Not like Stateside and thankful

Well, at the risk of diminishing the humor, but in the interest of full disclosure, I have to add that I just looked up that quotation (after posting ...

15 years ago

There's a clinic in C'sted and a clinic in F'sted. There are tons of doctors' offices (including primary care and specialists) and a stateside-like ho...

15 years ago
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