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Joined: April 4, 2008 1:04 pm
Topics: 68 / Replies: 379
Re: Home Depot opening?

but if the solar is set up with net metering, (and as I recall that is how it was set up), it does not operate when wapa is not working

7 years ago
Re: South West St Croix looks worse than Hugo

the feds wanted all the electric lines in the ground after Hugo but the gov't/wapa did not want to have to do it, so they didn't even though I believe...

7 years ago
Re: What is the "REAL" Situation on STT & STJ

some STJ folks who were staying in a stx neighbor's house are gone, actually got a coast guard boat that took them to San Juan

7 years ago
Re: Bathroom vanities st croix

might try Tropical Plumbing, they used to have them.

7 years ago
Re: US Postal Service - STX Service Resumption

I received a package slip from Richmond in my mailbox out east today, so they must be open.

7 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 2479
Re: Shipping bathtub to st thomas?

you could check the HD's in San Juan. We have gotten things from them and they deliver right to the dock for the ship that leaves to go to STT and STX...

7 years ago
Re: Trivia on St Croix.

Welcome back! Hope all is well with you both. Staying at the Buc? Go to stcroixcalendar.com It will give you a by-the-day listing of things go...

7 years ago
Re: New STJ villa tax

I think if you ask any villa owner they will tell you the USVI currently has the Lowest Property Tax Rate of anything else they own anywhere.[/quotte ...

7 years ago
Re: USVI needs a stateside grocery store chain

we had ants that made little holes in plastic bags...we usually put the plastic bags in refrigerators. We put 'everything' in a refrigerator, ...

8 years ago
Re: USVI needs a stateside grocery store chain

The day I mentioned to the Plaza East folks that the big brown rat was heading from the bread aisle into the next one over, they just kept asking me i...

8 years ago
Re: STX Yacht Center - Gallows Bay Boatyard

Who are the new owners? When did it sell?

8 years ago
Re: repair strapping on outdoor chairs?

we know how to do it, and have in years past, but can't physically any more, so need to get someone to do them with our supplies.

8 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1071
Re: rumor about attempted car jacking last night?????

Plus one you register your guns, the police tell their friends where you live and someone comes and breaks into your house and steals only the guns. I...

8 years ago
Re: No cell phone service ATT East End STX

just called at 800-331-0500 and he has no idea what is really wrong or when it will be fixed--says we should just call back after it starts working fo...

8 years ago
Re: Rainy Day reading

they say over 103 million owed in real property taxes. And the taxes themselves are really low compared to what the tax for the same value of pr...

8 years ago
Re: Rainy Day reading

parcel numbers beginning with a 2 or a 4 are St Croix--Christiansted office or Fred'sted office. Compare that to the number beginning with a 1 or 3 or...

8 years ago
Re: Rainy Day reading

Amazing difference between the relatively low number of STX properties with taxes owed and the high number of non-paying owners on other islands. Incr...

8 years ago
Re: No cell phone service ATT East End STX

has been on and off for past 3 days east end CV

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 994
8 years ago
Re: Easter Sunday brunch or dinner?

Is it (Palms) any good these days? We stopped going there a few years ago after several lousy dinners, and haven't been back since. No idea who was ru...

8 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1097
Re: Entrance fee for Carnival Village

Those rides have always been what I felt were super dangerous. Never let our kids ride any of them..

8 years ago
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