Reputable Member
Joined: April 4, 2008 1:04 pm
Topics: 68 / Replies: 379
Re: Police substation STX

Has construction actually begun?

11 years ago
Re: Windows?????

We've gotten our best (recent) windows from Valcor in PR. Have a good salesperson, and wound up with pretty good prices. Got windows from the Unijal ...

11 years ago
Re: Driver's License Question

and for most folks who are basically transients, how are the police supposed to know that you have been on island longer than 90 days? Different of co...

12 years ago
Re: Change.org Petition to sign!

Sorry if it offends you, but my first thought when I read your Chucky comment was "here's another newcomer..can't believe" thing. Not to take away fro...

12 years ago
Re: Change.org Petition to sign!

get used to it. I agree, there has to be something up with Chucky getting re-elected. I refuse to believe that islanders are that dumb.

12 years ago
Re: What do YOU do when the power goes out?

I guess we've been on island too long..we've gotten used to not having power. Annoying and inconvenient for sure, but a fact of life. not like we can'...

12 years ago
Re: Driver's License Renewal (Stt)

you might want to double-check. We had issues and needed more "stuff". Even on a renewal. There was an article in the Source, but I don't know how to ...

12 years ago
Re: Luggage repair STX

I would try an upholstery shop...like VI Drapery and Upholstery in LaReine..assuming the suitcase is some sort of soft, or fabric outside...

12 years ago
Re: Virgin Island Rum Cigar

they still say cigars can be mailed. We've sent them pre and post 2010.

12 years ago
Re: Can one Camp in tent on Islands

I'm having trouble matching up all this info here...if I own waterfront property, it seems I own from the road or wherever to the high tide line, and ...

12 years ago
Re: Virgin Island Rum Cigar

We've had Steele's send/mail cigars for us as gifts to folks in the states...if we were off island when we needed them. I think they are at the Strand...

12 years ago
Re: Cardiac Arrest!!! STX

Somebody can tell Dr. Potts (or anybody else with a dead Innovative land line): You can ask Innovative to forward the non-working number to another wo...

12 years ago
Replies: 25
Views: 3352
Re: shipping cats in late June

customs has been known to keep a car for an extended time period when it hits the states...for thorough inspection or whatever....they can keep it up ...

12 years ago
Re: A sad reality of life in the USVI

Chucky was, if i remember correctly, the second highest stx senatorial vote-getter in 2010, and the highest in 2012. In the election for the constitut...

12 years ago
Re: St. Croix is the most dangerous place in the world...yeah, right.

anacostia used to be nice when i was a kid. have not been there since. when to lots of cop picnics there don't know when 'used to be" was, but su...

12 years ago
Re: Desert Rose Adenium Seeds or Cuttings STX

From what we've seen, it appears most desert roses on stx came form the same plant. We've not seen a variety of colors...

12 years ago
Re: shipping cats in late June

And we ALWAYS get a reservation for our animal, which flies as a cabin pet...The dog gets his own locator code, which is supposed to be linked to my r...

12 years ago
Re: shipping cats in late June

The only time size of animal in container comes into play is when they are traveling overseas for a lengthy trip. Obviously you've never been che...

12 years ago
Re: Blood orange.

don't think the temps on st croix would work for a blood orange, need cool nights. I'd try Dr Petersen at Strictly Native. If he doesn't have it, like...

12 years ago
Re: Hurricane prepping for newbs

In many ways, we prefer to be on island rather than having to try to get back onto stx. Took us 10 days after Hugo to fly back in, on the first commer...

12 years ago
Re: Moving large dog to STX

bulldogs can be an issue

12 years ago
Re: Looking for a walker with wheels

Try the animal shelter Flea market or women's coalition one ...might get lucky

12 years ago
Re: Renting for the first time

As landlords (though not on STJ), a rental through a realtor is going to cost you more than if you rent through us directly, as we have to pay the fee...

12 years ago
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