Pamela is right, but depending on the type of package or the shipper you might want to insert VI Cargo between USPS and FedEx. If the shipper will no...
I love these islands and our people, and I love your story Cathy!
Some folks have tried to portray his eviction as emblematic of his character. I would like to point out that it is the RARE employer who will choose ...
Tipping on the basis of a 3rd party arrangement? You have to be kidding me. I tip very well to the person who performs me a service well...ANY s...
You might try a week of a camp while you're here. There are some great experiences to be had.
Check out ArtFarm on the south shore...they grow lots of herbs and will happily talk to you about their successes tips.
Overall it's a good thing that change happens slowly, otherwise we'd all be prey to every scheming carpetbagger to stumble on the USVI. We live i...
Unless your mate can cut your hair, I'm gonna go with Flowbee too. I've tried Mon's for a year; Betty's gave me the creeps despite the fact Betty...
Thanks for the head's up. I would like to say, again, that I've lived here and conducted business for nearly 20 years and in that time I have had...
The effort to frighten people into silence lends further impetus to the supposition of guilt.
Great pics! I'm pretty sure that's seaside mahoe... I'm not sure that's responsible for the smell tho, unless there are rotting fruit beneat...
In response to the OP, there are some small but noisy interests who work actively to dissuade new people coming here to St Croix. There is enough inf...
Can you post a picture of the tree showing bark and leaves?
Yes it's political, and yes Donastorg is a philandering schmuck, and yes, all the old school anonymous voices are lining up to support their crony and...
We ordered one from Best Furniture and we like it very much. It has cut waaaay down on the electricity bill. Be careful about synthetics, though...
It is VOG. That is to say, volcanic fog. It smells like smoke and sulfur dioxide. According to the Montserrat Volcano Observatory the Soufrierre h...
I looked into it a while ago and both systems stated that they wouldn't work in the VI. I've found a good compromise through streaming radio on t...
Pandora rocks, so do earbuds. There is a lot of good music in almost all genres; my disdain comes from the old days of working in an environment ...
@pamela, the mongoose (pl: mongooses or@USVI: mongoose-dem 😀 ) is carnivorous and, sadly, diurnal which is why both mongooses and rats so easily coex...
Iguanas are almost certainly NOT the problem. Being reptiles they are inert during the cool night hours. We have a pet iguana and it finds a spot in...
Nor do I Sugarlander but a lot of people do. C&W bands are popular here, line dancing was big in its day, and fwiw local facebook chatter is all pos...
I'm no expert on herps, but the several iguanas around our house are completely dormant at night, and they don't pester our hibiscus unless they're in...
... Watch the dates! Always! On all things!
LOL the Mars/Venus thing raises its head! Smuggler is right insofar as guys want to get the part they need with no fuss. Increasingly however women...
Smuggler, if they still have that MintCrap (their own description, not mine) on the shelves in a year's time, I'll buy you lunch.