Honorable Member
Joined: July 13, 2005 5:04 pm
Topics: 72 / Replies: 336
Re: Advice/info for a newcomer!

Hi Lms316, I am a Licensed Massage/Bodywork Therapist in the VI, and have been for 11 years. Unfortunately, you can't "transfer" any stateside l...

7 years ago
Re: Relocating

Ndbrown, I spent 8 years on St. Thomas, 3 years on St. Croix. St. Thomas is ‘busy and touristy’, however you can avoid it, to a great extent, dependi...

7 years ago
Re: Relocating

Ndbrown, You say that you have visited St. Thomas and loved it - what made you decide to move to St. Croix? Just curious. I lived on St. Thomas...

7 years ago
Re: BACK TO STT!!!!!!!!

So glad you found the opportunity to move you back to STT! I will always consider it to be ‘home’ and never felt anywhere close to that feeling on ST...

7 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

Scubadoo, pictures out of Tortola do NOT look good at all...

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

Stay safe everyone - be kind and help one another in the days to come...

8 years ago
Re: Coast Guard

Exit Zero - my dad was a "Coastie" - as you say, there is very little that they can do during a storm of this magnitude. And, their resources are in ...

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

Dougtamjj - just saw/heard that, too. Just have to hang on, at this point, I suppose...

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

I believe Hurricane Hugo was a Category 4 when it passed over St. Croix...and, I think that Hurricane Marilyn was a Category 3 (although I know that t...

8 years ago
Re: Jobs in VI

EE, I was one (of the two!) Pilates teachers on island for 8 years! Believe me, if it had not been for my husband's business on STX, I NEVER would ha...

8 years ago
Re: Jobs in VI

East Ender, I beg to differ with the "lots of massage possibilities" - that is completey dependent upon which island you are on! Having been a licens...

8 years ago
Re: Special Weather Statement issued August 07 at 3:46PM AST by NWS San Juan

Power out in Mt. Welcome, too. Has been for about an hour. Hope the USCG gets there soon (or has arrived at this point)...

8 years ago
Re: Question about legal gun owner ship on STX

As Scubadoo said, not a good idea at all before you have a permit...which can take a long time to get here. My husband was a former Marine, and has b...

8 years ago
Re: City Slicker Couple Wants to Relocate - Need to Find Work

For me, I much prefer STT to STX - I lived on STT for 8 years, STX for 3 - I would think that STT would be a better fit for someone coming from a big ...

8 years ago
Re: Crime in St. Croix

My husband was shot by a customer of his business on STX who owed HIM money and didn't want to pay his bill...figured shooting him would be a better i...

8 years ago
Re: Best place to buy mattress/box spring and couch

I have bought (mattresses, gas range, other furniture) from Carlos Furniture in both STT and STX - they have been fantastic! They have exchanged a ma...

8 years ago
Re: Moving to St. Croix

Camvic, St. Thomas and St. John are VERY different than St. Croix! Just be prepared for your island experience there to be dissimilar to your vi...

8 years ago
Re: Questions on moving to the islands

Sjointer, Although securing a job before moving is ideal, and quite feasible when moving from one city or state to another in the US, it is quite...

8 years ago
Re: moving dog w/ health issues

Themaskedcat, Animals can fly in the cabin (in an airline approved carrier) if they are 20 pounds and under (I believe that is the weight limit)....

8 years ago
Re: STX Yacht Center - Gallows Bay Boatyard

Terry is great, SunnyCaribe - been there forever...

8 years ago
Re: STX Yacht Center - Gallows Bay Boatyard

SunnyCaribe, the 'stocky guy' who worked in the yard was Judd; he left when the prior owner did - the prior owner was the only reason he remained as l...

8 years ago
Re: STX Yacht Center - Gallows Bay Boatyard

The sale was actually in March, not May.

8 years ago
Re: Howdy from Texas

Quote "DanielMyers1985 I have a big diesel truck i imagine I can't bring with me there (no where to park the big ass thing and probably just not p...

8 years ago
Re: A few questions about moving to STX

Pamela&Curtis, As rosesisland (and many, many others of us on this board) suggest, it is not a wise decision to buy a home before actually living...

8 years ago
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