Hi Aston, I think I gave you this link from the other forum that you posted this question on.... so welcome to the board. Did you decide not to go ...
Hi there, Welcome to the board 🙂 If looking for a realtor on STJ give my husband a call he's with Town and Country Real Estate and his name is Les ...
Thanks 🙂
OK Fill the newbie's on STJ in please......what's a Buccaneer? (besides the price of corn... Buck an Ear 🙂 ) Oh that was bad - Les's joke 🙂
OK Mike and Linda whats this all about ????? (I don't think you had a baby 🙂 )
Hi there, We went to look at a new laptop on Tues at Officemax and they had a HUGE selection - all 2 OF THEM 🙂 so my advise is bring electronics wi...
Hi Kellymac Good to hear from you - we were wondering if you guy's made it ok. Will you be at the get together? it will be good to catch up on thin...
Hi there, Well, well, well, what's up with KC? My hubby and I just moved from the Plaza, along with "Island Ed" who moved from Parkville, "Twindome...
Hi there, We were from Westwood Road - just a few minutes walk from the Plaza. I also lived out south (191st and Quivera) for a few years, but have...
Hey Yolanda, We live near Skinny's 🙂 If I don't run into you there I'll see you at the get together in Nov (I'm sure I'll run into you though) I'm...
Hi Yolanda, Congratulations on your move ....whoooo, Anyway we are already on island - one week ago today, but, we arrived late Friday evening, Sat...
Hi everyone, We are here in West Palm Beach ready to load our container tomorrow 🙂 So far things have gone really smoothly (the drive went great a...
Hi there, I am moving down to STJ in a few days, and if anyone is interested in having a fun dance class started, on STJ or STT, I would be interest...
Hey Teresa, Congratulations - you sound like you have adjusted well. Sunday we set out driving from good old KC (was supposed to happen a few weeks ...
Thanks JE 🙂
Hey JE Are you there? 🙂 Didn't know if you saw this post so I thought I would try to move it up 🙂 or if anyone else knows the number for Tivo to g...
Hey JE You said there is only one number for Tivo to use in the VI's to obtain programming information - do you know it by chance? Thanks in advanc...
Hi Guy's Just give me a call - this weekend looks good for me although Sunday I have a brunch and a 4pm appointment, so Saturday would be best. Tod...
Hey Guy's Do you know if any of the providers for STJ have High Def TV (HDTV) Thanks
Thanks for the number 🙂
Hey Guy's Do you have Elena's # please 🙂
OK - I'll ask - what is sugaring ?????
Hi Everyone 🙂 You guy's are right (unfortunately :() The total cost was $2862.00 I was looking at the bill from Managed Freight for $1797.00 - wh...
Hi Jeremy, Welcome to the board 🙂 We just shipped a 2004 Jeep Liberty and we used Lee at Managed Freight (fabulous) so we wouldn't have to deal w...