Trusted Member
Joined: August 2, 2006 3:30 pm
Topics: 10 / Replies: 56
Re: groomer on stx

Gallow's Grooming 128 Port Terminal (behind Schooner Bay Market) 340-773-3181 She does an excellent job grooming dogs of all sizes.

17 years ago
Re: Needed 2 bed 2 bath STX near C'stead

You might try calling Ocean Terrace Condos. They are rental apartments just west of Christiansted in Orange Grove above Pueblo Supermarket. They are...

17 years ago
Re: Is there a bird person on STX?

Yes, try calling Toni Lance at 340-773-1839. There was once a nice article about her in the Avis about how she helps injured birds.

18 years ago
Re: Need STX Pet Friendly Rental

I do not know if they currently have any openings, but you might try these: You can try Ocean Terrace Condos (340-773-6901) as they may take small...

18 years ago
Re: Online grocers

Both drugstore.com and cvs.com will ship here, but watch the shipping costs. Sometimes it is still cheaper to buy it locally. Also Amazon.com will s...

18 years ago
Re: 4th of July

There are plans for fireworks off the pier in Fredricksted on the 4th. You should be able to view them from any of the west end beaches, bar/restaura...

18 years ago
Re: EyeMasters Phone # STX in Sunny Isle?

Starmight, I looked in the phone book and the only location for Eyeglass Express in on St. Thomas. At Sunny Isle there is only Pearle Vision liste...

18 years ago
Re: Rentals available on STX

Cameron, Rust-Op_Twist is up off of North Shore between Salt River and Cane Bay. A beautiful historic area with nice views.

18 years ago
Re: Beth's bookstore?

Closet to Closet (run by the Women's Coalition), 15 Peters Rest, 773-2503. They are open Wednesday through Saturday (not sure of the hours). From Co...

18 years ago
Re: Beth's bookstore?

No, unfortunately Beth no longer has the bookstore. You might try looking at the Treasure Attic Book Shop, 16 Company Street, 778-5520. They have to...

18 years ago
Re: Flamboyant Trees

I also love flamboyant trees and look forward to their blooming every year. The hillsides and neighborhoods just seem to come to life when they are b...

18 years ago
Re: Where to go for a hair cut?

Here is the number for Indulgence Salon: 713-1489 Let us know who you choose and how it turns out. Always looking for a new place to try.

18 years ago
Re: centipedes

I strongly suggest getting bids from the local exterminators. It is well worth it to have your home inside and out sprayed monthly. I would not want...

18 years ago
Re: Jet skis in St Croix?

As with anyone trying to start up a new business on St. Croix I wish them well. We can use all the new businesses possible. Having said that, I woul...

18 years ago
Re: Kelly McGuinnes - we've lost a friend

Kelly will indeed be missed. My husband and I first met her at Off the Wall. Will never forget her great smile and sassy attitude. She was far too ...

18 years ago
Re: banking on stj

My husband and I have lived on StX for four years. We opened a checking and savings account with FirstBank while down on our final PMV before we move...

18 years ago
Re: Possible job - now where to live?

You can try Ocean Terrace Condos (340-773-6901) as they may take small cats and dogs. Also try Easterly Apts (340-642-2831). These are in the same n...

18 years ago
Re: health clubs

VI Family Sports & Fitness Center (340-778-5144) Beeston Hill, Christiansted www.vihealth.com fax: 340-773-1935

18 years ago
Re: windows and doors

I have not used Centerline personally, but know people who have. They may not be the cheapest, but they are customized to fit your windows and doors....

18 years ago
Re: Feb- Place to rent

You might try calling Ocean Terrace in Orange Grove on St. Croix. 340-773-6901. They seldom have one bedrooms available, but they may have two bedro...

18 years ago
Re: need housing in STX

You might try calling Ocean Terrace Condos in Orange Grove 340-773-6901. They have short time and long term rentals and I believe they should have so...

18 years ago
Re: Western Auto going...going.....gone!

Here is a link to an article in the Daily News a while back. Only the store on StX is closing. Where else can we go to get auto parts? The store wi...

18 years ago
Re: Looking for 1 BR Apt/Condo in STX

You might try calling Ocean Terrace Condos. They are in the Orange Grove area and may have an open 1/BR. The number is 340-773-6901. This is a safe...

18 years ago
Re: need info about condos in Condo Row - for islanders

I live in the Orange Grove area and walk to Pueblo, Food Town and the Post Office in Richmond quite often. I have never been approached or had a prob...

18 years ago
Re: STX Halloween Festival Tonight? r pets allowed?

This is on the school grounds property. I can't imagine that they would want pets, but you might want to give them a call at the above number to find...

18 years ago
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