lily1025, Now don't be silly! What would we do with a reasonable electric rate and honest elected officials? I mean how would we know where we are...
Here on STT I pick it up. Not ready to let go of that much control on charter provisioning. Also like to add the fresh veggie, booze and meat to the...
My husband was cremated. All told it was just over $2k by the time we got it back from PR. Did take a while. Pamela
I agree - get there in the first six months and bring your own warm clothes. I do, after 17 years here, still have a few of those! Doubt I could pul...
I would definitely visit on a hot, humid day! Pamela
Jay, I was impressed. Order was ready and correct. I added booze and was out of there in record time. Pamela S/Y Catatonic
Waited 5 minutes for $4.29 at Boynes on Friday.
Dr.Marilyn Moore at Tutu - actually near Cost U Less.
The ad I read was Nauti Nymph looking for a salesman/steward - worth a shot.
That Halloween a couple of friends and I made costumes from left over FEMA tarps - We did a great singing group - FEMA and the tarpettes! Needed some...
Nauti Nymph is hiring - check out the classifieds in the Daily News.
There is an actual barber in the mall at Tutu. Can't think of the name but the shop is the second or third door on your left as you enter the mall fr...
Marilyn was a life changing experience. I don't ever want to go through that again. Pamela
There is a fella for service calls - Sibius Michel. He can be reached at 340-244-2227. We worked together at DirecTV and he is available to assist. ...
Thanks! I'll play around with it tonight.
how do I share a book from my kindle? I just finished The Help and would love to share it. Pamela
My 3G works just fine here on the northside of St. Thomas.
i agree with Juanita. Ask about here. Don't think there are many scammers on this board. Pamela
Dr.Goldman treated my husband for five years prior to his death (my husband - not the doc). I trust him implicitly. His wife, Helen, is a doll and r...
That's funny, East Ender. I was thinking just the same thing last night. When we would put the map on the wall (did the Daily News even print one th...
this may sound crazy but try Dial Rent To Own. I've seen something like that in the STT store. Pamela
You still have rum left? Now, that is not supposed to happen. Pamela