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Joined: June 12, 2011 10:46 pm
Topics: 10 / Replies: 370
Re: older aerial photos?

Hi again all. Thanks for the the various helpful hints. I web surfed until my eyes bled and FINALLY found something I could use. It was a blurry image...

14 years ago
Re: older aerial photos?

Thank you very much! I have contacted the people selling the huge pics to see what year they were taken. Those are really nice!

14 years ago
Re: older aerial photos?

Thanks, I am in California right now, was hoping for something to show before I went down there next trip. Maybe I can get a local connection to dig m...

14 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 2191
Re: Cushion Foam

I live in So Cal, could probably find something reasonable here and ship it to you if you wanted. Do you know the specs of what you are looking for?

14 years ago
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