Last seen: December 12, 2022 4:49 pm
@knowlesstak A person from Kim Lucas’s realty office has previewed the home. I think (don’t know for sure) is in the price range you are lookin...
A long time close friend of ours is interested in selling her 3BR home in March. Her home is in the Seven Hills/All For The Better area. It’s East End...
Completed VI Travel Screening Portal requirements within 5 days of departure. No problems. Tested negative for Covid. Our 1/29/21 AA flight from Char...
You are absolutely right. I know if we were there we could get our 1st shot fairly quickly. Problem - my wife will not go through airports and on a pl...
@fishtacos Sorry, I have no clue what’s going on there. It is not unusual on St Croix for a project to start & then nothing more for months/yea...
@daveb722 It was always my impression from having lived on St Croix in Cane Bay from late 2005 to May 2012, that Craig & Diana did not own the l...
@rewired We hired out the work to a guy named Jeff Elvins but that’s was back in 2009/2010. He does not do that anymore. Kevin Moran on STX is the...
We used DLM Plastics in Ohio who makes liners for various applications including NSF-61 for pond, cistern, etc. You need exact dimensions of cistern a...
According to what I read about disposal of the American Flag - here's the most common answer. American Flag Disposal. The United States Flag Code st...
St Croix, St Thomas, & St John are the US Virgin Islands which is a territory of the United States so ZERO ExPats from U.S.
I read the article on line & it specifically stated NO roaming charges between PR, USVI, U.S., Canada, Mexico. In other words nothing different th...
@kayanne Hey I only know what our vet here in Ohio requires us to do with our cat. We fly on AA. I copied and pasted a couple...
We do not own a dog but do travel to St Croix with a cat. We normally stay 3 months (Jan to Apr). The rabies req’t for a cat should be identical for a...
Foxes are guarding the Hen House.
My personal experience is only AT&T has phone plans that make sense especially if you want coverage in U.S. and U S Virgin Islands. They have mos...
They had more than enough $$ to bury electric lines along some of the main roads. It was there but was squandered elsewhere. WAPA buried line to the ...
This is fantastic news & looks good on paper. However given the track record of the USVI being given Federal $$ over the years for specific proje...
I recall the big hype by WAPA that propane was going to be a lot cheaper fuel source & that rates would be substantially less. It should be no su...
Scubadoo - I concur with you. I was referring to flat roofs that are wood, metal, etc. If these homes have reinforced concrete roofs, (which the dev...
A flat roof design in the tropics is a big no no in my opinion. They do not state what material the roof will be. They only state home will be reinf...
Sounds too good to be true and I would be very wary. The construction company is probably one of those EDC operations.
I would think if an intruder broke into your residence & you had no choice except to use armed force to stop the burglar, self defense precludes ...
I own a condo in La Grande Princesse @ Coral Princesse Condos & have no clue where this new development is. Is this home built or will it be buil...