Last seen: September 5, 2020 2:00 pm
Thanks for the link but I'm not a social media user. Never have been. Too old to trust them...
Maybe the GVI could start buying powerball tickets en mass...
I searched yahoo, apple and neither has been able to provide an acceptable answer. I have friends in the states and here who have lost use of their e...
I would hope so but don't think I'll be holding my breath.
Best of luck!
Local, Schmocal. Some who were born here are; light/dark/whatever and are either a'fore or against you. I'm a five year newbie and get along with al...
Price reduced! $25.:-)
Forgot to mention a replacement battery runs around $50. or less.
I have BBVI 50/mo and have minor troubles with Netflix, and other sites thus far. As I understand it, BBVI has coupled with VING, VI Next Generat...
Unfortunately I'm way past the yearly. Starting to wheeze and cough. :{
So where does 'fast eddie' go in his, seemingly, interesting territories searching for treasures? Inquiring minds want to know so they can keep their...
I stopped by Office Max on STX today to send a fax. I was super impressed with the efficiency of the lady running things. She was alone, with a litt...
Merry Christmas to all and to all a jolly old youtube!
Don't let the door hit you in the behind when you leave. Failing to adapt means failing to appreciate what the island means to you and others. Happy...
In STX the Office Max has been very good to me. One person, Naomi, I think that's her name, has been excellent, professional and prompt on all my re...
Realize where you are, Understand their culture/lifestyle and get over it. It hasn't changed for a very long time and probably won't for another very...
You'd never guess in a hundred years. Kind of a private joke that would take way too long to explain. Any thoughts on who might be up to the cha...