Last seen: September 5, 2020 2:00 pm
Just received this back from the post office: This is in response to your communication to the United States Postal Service. Your allegations w...
i just dont like to make fun of peoples downfalls. and just wondering if any government can claim clean hands? if you arrest one you should arrest all...
Can't help but wonder why.
Thanks speedy. Will try and see her tomorrow.
Zip, Zilch, Nada.
I imagine the cleaning of those beaches was all volunteer, right?
Any truth to the rumors that STT has taken steps to get rid of it?
Love the sound of that rain coming down. Even the sound of distant thunder. Seems like years ago...
I am absolutely sure we do not have the right to vote for president. You are absolutely correct. However, the next president, whoever that may b...
I wouldn't be so sure of that. We are under the American Flag and rules. If the new president changes those rules we may end up in good times, or no...
I'll second that, OT. Especially since I'm the Old white tourist dancing in their commercial… :} No autographs please… Notice? Again, no r...
Beachfront condos are great. The only point to remember is that 'stuff'; cars, electronics, sliding glass doors, etc. take a real beating from maw na...
Sounds like you may need to change your login name to: STXISNOTBEST… And I'm not bending over anytime soon...
Don't know how much but it rained, hard, soft, hard, etc. for over half an hour last night. Mid island south STX. Hal-La-Lou-Yah!!! I flushed all d...
Apologies to all for my ranting and raving. Past experiences with customer service have left a bad taste (read, foul words) in my mouth. Especially ...
9:15pm. DL 1.05 UL .002 I reiterate: YAH TE HEA!!!!!!!!!! This is ridicules!
There must be a loophole somewhere. What about the questionable senators?
Is is possible to petition for a recall? Now, stop all that laughing and dry your eyes. Really! There must be a lawyer in this mix that can chi...
Delighted you are still on the top side of the brown grass. :} Mapp and Potter missed you terribly...
Today I thought that my recliner is not getting as much use as it used to. It's a Bassett. Was recently reupholstered and can't go super cheap but w...