Last seen: September 5, 2020 2:00 pm
Cut down all the trees and install a hundred foot pole on which to hang your box. Problem solved.
I find lots of useful stuff here. My first 'hut', my first car, etc…. I also enjoy reading (and, yes, sometimes contributing) the back and forth...
Gee. I wonder if anyone here knows why this happens???
Okay, this must be a weekend practice. Was working well until now. Watching netflix and then, boom. All gone. Speedtest (again, 4 minutes to load)...
He said I buy the pole, he'll install it, and since it's higher all new cable (my expense) had to be installed, end of discussion… What's not to ...
Tech came out and said trees too tall or pole too short. Said trees and longer pole my job, not theirs...
Maybe they were working on it since the up/down have greatly increased.
$1.95 in LA (Lower Alabama)... :}
Rats, not bugs. Spoon out the Dcon.
Wise planning of the government to locate the dump next to the airport. It must make an interesting first impression when landing...
NAH! They would never do that. This is a free market economy after all...
$3.19 (almost everywhere). Of course, I filled up on Sunday. :{
I knew I would stand to be corrected. Just wanted to get the ball rolling for our OP.
Since it seems that even the police are scared to intervene correctly and people are too scared to even speak up then how do we make this stop? Do the...
It gets real old, real fast when you're doing without power for months on end. I was WAPA-less for 6 months after Marilyn and what I found intere...
Feeder 3A back up at 2:02pm. Heading straight for the shower!
Power out here @ 7:42. Soon Come!
Up/Down speeds too slow to show anything! Must be Erica's fault??? Yeah, that's it.
I certainly hope so (power/internet, that is))))
I hate the waiting!! How soon will WAPA shut it down?
Don't stop the….. Legislators...
Why does it always have to be at night?
Why not go a step farther? Get the fat, old tourist guy and the Quadrille dancers out there while dancing and playing the song...