Well, the supreme court has turned down looking at Florida's struck down drug testing law...
If you really feel this way then you should give everything that you inherited from you father to the charity of your choice. I would but, well, ...
The point of the article is that also a lot of the time the "good guys" end up at the end of a gun held by police. It's a dangerous thing to do to ta...
In Harm's Way: The Dangers of a World Without Net Neutrality Last month the FCC released its proposal for America’s new network neutrality rules....
For those who are interested in how alias works, further reading at wikipedia In computing, alias is a command in various command line interprete...
No wreck dives =( I guess they needed to pick novice dives.
With what you describe, could you build a randomizer or a relational database? No. Just as you couldn't, not without the use of underlying comman...
I started professionally programming in 1981, been programming since 1972. I am disabled, but the last job I held was as a partner in a small computer...
With what you describe, could you build a randomizer or a relational database?
I still don't understand what this has to do with re-wiring hardware. And how can you have a computer without a cpu? Something has to execute the prog...
I really comes down to it all just being links that are breakable and buildable.
You are saying that you have a computer that consists only of memory with no processor? Where does hardware come into play? Do you go into the compute...
I like to think that I came up with a new way to wire computers, only using connections in memory for processing. Please explain this to me in En...
For One Baby, Life Begins with Genome Revealed His father, Razib Khan, is a graduate student and professional blogger on genetics who says he wor...
Like I said, this is really hard to explain. I've had to build tools for the system with only four types of tools to start with: wait, which gives a f...
OK rotor, lets start with the most simple part: computers generally do not generate true random numbers, as they use the clock for the seed for the ra...
Ah how the islands change. The only place I can think of that is pretty much the same as it was in the 80s is Hull Bay...
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a life where they can make decisions in the direction of benefiting themselves.
Well I dunno, my father who owned a dozen businesses (that my brother and I owned one of that rented property to other businesses), had at least one n...