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Joined: January 18, 2008 6:52 am
Topics: 6 / Replies: 158
Re: Anybody a X360 GAMER?

Seriously, HS DroPpin MW, if you have a computer that can run a 2005 game, check out the detail in it, through my profile:

16 years ago
Re: Anybody a X360 GAMER?

I don't have an xbox, but I usually go under the name "Chief Slapaho" in games. Say my name out loud 🙂 Oh BTW, I used this name since Quake. All...

16 years ago
Re: Atheism in the USVI

When those who believe in God defend the existence of God, they tend to ignore the issue of how God came to be, because the only possible response is ...

16 years ago
Re: Haunted V.I.

Talking about haunting... I grew up (before I was 11 and before I lived in STT) in an early 1700s colonial house. It was left to rot between about 194...

16 years ago
Re: Stanford update...........

People like him raped people like us and put the USofA into the situation it is in now.

16 years ago
Re: Another Funny

What do you call two blonds in a car? Duel airbags. St. Patties day joke: How do you cross Ireland without passing a pub? Simple, ...

16 years ago
Re: Anybody a X360 GAMER?

I sometimes play COD4 on my PC. I think BF2 is just so much more in-depth. Mainly I play a medic in BF2, because you get a decent gun and you can heal...

16 years ago
Re: Atheism in the USVI

I know this is rather off-topic, but when I came to my belief in a Deistic God, I came up with the working solution to this problem - some people say ...

16 years ago
Re: Atheism in the USVI

rotorhead said, "...God waved his arms..." I have the belief that God is far beyond our understanding, and is neither male or female, yet both at...

16 years ago
Re: Anybody a X360 GAMER?

In EQ, I started as a warrior, as I see myself. If you were there for the beginning of EQ, this was the worst choice of characters. Secondary, I had a...

16 years ago
Re: Atheism in the USVI

antiqueone: maybe you should do a little research about our founding fathers. "Under God" was added to the pledge by Truman in the 50s. Get ...

16 years ago
Re: Anybody a X360 GAMER?

I prefer Battlefield 2 - I am about 3000 points (out of 180,000) away from being a Major General 🙂 (I have 1322 hours of played time) I played t...

16 years ago
Re: Atheism in the USVI

i mean no offense to anyone but i truly believe that organized religion of any form is the root of all evil in the world today,i believe in a "power g...

16 years ago
Re: cell # s going public - do not call list #

I would just like to add that I think moving to snail mail makes them impervious. Reason: you agree to a contract that they put forward, and they are ...

16 years ago
Re: cell # s going public - do not call list #

Sorry to bring this thread back up, but it looks like the "motor vehicle warranty notification" scam has moved to snail mail. I just received a postca...

16 years ago
Re: constitutional convention

A Davis no0ne, you are welcome to share your experiences here, it's a forum. I am sorry for bringing this back up. I do not want to share this ...

16 years ago
Re: Top 10 list: It's hard living in the Vi Because:

In my school when the kids do it it means " yeah whatever" Yeah it can be seen like the Italian "forget about it" See "Donnie Brasco"

16 years ago
Re: constitutional convention

Going back through old posts in this thread... So there are no white locals, hmmmmmmmmmm. I also know the truth, and I even know many white ...

16 years ago
Re: Whale sinks yacht and everyone knows but me...

I have an interesting story about wales. Back in the late 70s we took a trip on a chartered sail boat. During the sail, wales showed up. Carlos took t...

16 years ago
Re: constitutional convention

deJongh is the man. FTA: "According to the draft, ancestral native Virgin Islanders are people who can trace their bloodlines back to peopl...

16 years ago
Re: Top 10 list: It's hard living in the Vi Because:

I agree with Yearasta. People are taught by their parents that it is rude, yet everyone uses it. It all depends on context and intention. When I...

16 years ago
Re: Diving

I'm curious about this, too. I don't dive (yet) but want to learn when I move down there. Diving is pretty simple. A) Always remember to bre...

16 years ago
Re: cell # s going public - do not call list #

Seems I spoke too early, here is an article about the government going after the scammers:

16 years ago
Re: cell # s going public - do not call list #

BEWARE! The warranty calls are a verified SCAM! When will the USofA finally start going after these scammers? I suppose after enough congress-peo...

16 years ago
Re: bird deterent - suggestions ?

get a shot gun Eh, a powerful pellet gun would work, and you wouldn't have to worry about upsetting the neighbors or police.

16 years ago
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