I was born in Torrance but my parents moved me here when i was a baby. I went back to visit...i can see why my parents made the decision to raise me ...
still looking for kayaks, any style and color.
I have Guardian for my car insurance on St. Croix. I have basic liability plus a couple features and i pay about $350 per year. If your insurance is...
you're lucky you had power for 10 minutes, lol. i called WAPA this morning and she said that they're "working on it". I live in the neighborhood on ...
which island are you on?
We have Budget and Hertz at the airport as well as Avis (i think they're still working out there...) Budget:or 888-264-8894 Hertz: www.RentACa...
oops! St. Croix. Thanks!
2 boats sank by Brew Pub - the brand new fishing boat and one from the harbor...forget the name. Mile Mark lost 2 boats - Fantasy and Daydreamer K...
awww they took both?! that's great. it's so rare that families will adopt multiples. i love that the island comes together for things like this!
That all depends on where your stock is coming from. If you get it through Miami and use Tropical Shipping, it takes a week from when the boat leaves...
how many miles does it have?
insurance is not expensive on St. Croix - at least not for liability only which is the minimum you need. I'm under 25 and pay $300 a year for car ins...
LOL only in St. Croix do we try to solve one problem with another problem! Catfish to catch the tadpoles...humans to catch the catfish...interest...
these are located in La Grange, Frederiksted. Pets are allowed, it says. I believe with a pet deposit.
here are 2 really cute apts. in frederiksted for in your price range.
We don't need it by a certain time (as we are month to month at our current location) but November 1st would be great. My boyfriend will be away late...
Still Looking!
oh gosh if you hear of one of those, let me know!
you should probably state which island you'd like 😉
it's about 15 minutes away from the hospital. If you know where Pearl B. Larson school is, it's just past that heading east in Tide Village.
The Easterly apartments are located in Golden Rock on St. Croix. If you know where the Pharmacy is - it's behind there - on the same road as Caribbea...
I'm just trying to figure out, T, why a simple job posting has lead to you trying to scare someone off of St. Croix. Lame. Bill - Senator Adelbert B...