SunOrSki - that's is why I switched to St. Croix Gas!
they're awful! we use frontline which seems to work for our 65lb doberman mix...but not if your neighbor has 4 dogs who don't all get the same treatme...
i live on st. croix and get $4/hour at cheeseburgers. i used to get $6 at chenay bay, i know some people who get $2-3. Some places will do a shift p...
Yellow House Gallery and Gallows Bay Frame. There's a new place next to Quiet Storm that opened where they have photos and put it on any size canvas ...
i loved this one! it was SO busy, so many vendors! Best one i've seen in a long time (and i've lived here all my life)! The onyl thing missing was the...
I use Dr. Fraebel (by PC Paradise in Golden Rock) and I love him. He's very nice and i don't think he's out of the ordinary expensive, although witho...
i saw a car in the crucian trader for $1500. Crucian Trader - not Island Trader.
oh my god, it was gorgeous on sunday night! the moon with the 2 stars (but i guess they're planets) directly above - almost like a triangle. Beautifu...
How many bedrooms and bathrooms does this condo have? Are pets allowed?
Where are you coming to? STX, STT, STJ...
we have sailing charters down here, many are established so you'd have to set yourself apart in order to make it. Likewise with a bar. Frederiksted,...
i have tons of friends that surf down here - you gotta get up early and go find them. Usually Judith's Fancy is where they all hang out but they all ...
Sharkey's is also doing a Thanksgiving Dinner...not sure how fabulous it will be but it's A/C!
Head on down to the boardwalk when Kurt Schindler is playing at Brew Pub - you'll see all the 20-30 year olds! Seriously, there are a lot of us here.....
you should probably post on the classifieds section. that's where many of the apt. hunters view and post...
which island are you on?
I'm bumping this up. Thanks, Snapper! We actually need non-inflatable ones (so the boyfriend tells me). If anyone knows of kayaks being sold or if y...
i think Marshall and Sterling would be a great place for you to do this through. Merill Lynch also has an office here, Marshall and Sterling may work...
i use the place in Richmond - just as you pass the TV station heading towards 5 corners, make the first right (before the hospital). they're really n...
My friends run a cleaning service - i think it's from $50 and up depending on size of the place. Let me know if you want their number.
Glad to see that this thread is a happy one! It is still a great day!
This reminds me of the Debbie Downer Saturday Night Live schtick... "What a great day!" "Yeah, but kids are starving and being raped" "...
there's a new place open in town called RezemBlanz. i know this is a little late but...if they're still open next year! and that's a big IF. i'm not ...
LOL very true. There and Bongos, both in Christiansted town. Also, if you go to Rainbow Beach or Cane Bay Beach on a Sunday you'll find tons of kids...